Chapter 19 - FINAL.

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"Do you mind dropping me off at Sam's?" My sister managed to whisper out, filling in the tensed spaces of the car. My grip around the steering wheel was so strong that my knuckles were turning cold and white and actually, I didn't care. I was too fired up with the entire encounter with our horrible excuse for a father. Fortunately for him, that's going to be the last time that he'll see me.

"Sure." I muttered, blinking a few times as I tried to ease down my nerves. "What's going on with you two? Are you like, a couple now?" I added the question, sounding a little bitter because yeah, maybe I am bitter about the whole idea of my girlfriend cheating on me with my sister. Even though I couldn't care any less about Samantha, the thought still hurts. Hell, I invested a lot of time and effort for that girl and she just played with me as if I was nothing.

"We- I don't know. We still have to sort things out." She squeaked out and I just nodded, not in the mood to start another argument to the only family member that I have left. Although my relationship with my sister turned into complete shit, I still love her.

The car stopped abruptly in front of Sam's quiet and lavish house and minutes had gone by, neither my sister nor I made a move to get out or even speak; both silently begging the other to say or do something but I guess we both didn't exactly know how to start doing the next move that we should be doing.

"Listen, I'm sorry. Really sorry, Kellin." Kelly spoke, shaking her head as her eyes were suddenly clouded with unshed tears. "I-I'm so so sorry."

"Things happen, you know? We're humans and we tend to feel intense feelings and we react to them." I spoke, meaning each and every word that spilled through my chapped lips. "Go. Talk to her and tell her I said hey, alright?" I patted her knee, silently telling her that things between us are going to be okay eventually.

"Are you going to look for Vic?" She looked back as she shut the car door behind her.

"Yeah. I need to sort things out with him, too." I let out a heavy sigh. I didn't even know where to start. Maybe he's on tour with his band? Maybe he went back to their bar? Maybe he's just around our neighborhood? I don't even know where I'm supposed to look first!

"Airport. He'll be off in about an hour." My sister simply said which automatically made my heart leap with so much adrenaline. An hour?! How am I supposed to arrive the airport in just an hour? "What the hell are you waiting for? Go!" With a final laugh and a small wave, I sped off, leaving my little sister behind with Vic weighing down my thoughts.


'Stupid fucking traffic.'

The same sentence kept on repeating on and on and on in my head as I repeatedly connected my palm against my car's horn, honking to no one in particular. I just happen to be so lucky to be stuck in the most inconvenient time in the world: rush hour.

I glanced at my phone for the time seeing that I have roughly twenty minutes before his plane takes off. Damn this! Would I even make it? I bet he's already seated in that fucking plane.

Frustration was boiling up in my head as I slid my thumb across my phone's screen, both thumbs panicking to compose another pathetic message for Vic.

'Vic, where are you? I need to talk to you.'

'I'm on my way to the airport. Hope you're still there.'

'Wait for me, please?'

'I just have to tell you something.'


One message sent per minute. That's how I spent my fifteen minutes whilst I sat in my steamy car, waiting for the slow traffic to disperse. Vic didn't reply to any of my pitiful messages. Hell, I've even dropped in a few voicemails for him since he wasn't picking up my calls.

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