Chapter 11

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"Hurry up, I need to get back to the church." I spoke, not taking my eyes off from my phone and somewhat trying to convince Kelly that we're not that far away from church. The distance between Tony's house to that place wasn't that far away though but she's been bugging me ever since she texted me about ten minutes ago, saying that she just wanted to go home. She also seemed a little bit antsy but she didn't say as to why.

"Are you going to confess to Pastor Urie about our afternoon doings?" Vic joked, making me roll my eyes at him. He's been bugging me about what we've just done in his room, adding sexual innuendos here and there, any chance that he gets.

"Why, do you want me to brag about how skillful and glorious your mouth is?" I shot back, looking at him with a cheeky grin. He just laughed at me, though as he turned to the street of the church, just passing by the quiet park that we've been to before.

"Oh, shit." Vic muttered and harshly stepped on the pedal, causing the car to jolt up to an intense halt. I was about to yell at him and ask why he did that but when I managed to whip my head to his direction, he looked as if he just witnessed the most crucial and traumatic murder scene in his life.

 I followed his gaze, my head flooding with confusion and curiosity but what I saw just made my heart plummet. My eyes widened and I- well, I honestly didn't know how to describe what I was feeling. Different varieties of emotions were swimming in and out my head and I couldn't quite seem to decipher as to which one I should be focusing on.

"What the hell are they doing?" Vic once again spoke, looking at me momentarily and dragging his eyes back to the scene that was about thirty feet away from where we were apparently parked. Vic honestly mirrored my exact expression, both of us were genuinely confused out of our own heads.

"I don't know but-" I cut myself off, as Sam took a step forward my sister, leaving about a foot of gap between the two of them. Kelly tried to push her away but Sam just took it as a chance to hold both my sister's hands in a somewhat caring and delicate way. "Holy-"

"Fuck." Vic breathed out. "Are they- holy" He muttered, his eyes wide as ever, looking at me but I wasn't exactly looking at him because I couldn't. It's clear that Vic and I were thinking of the same thing and the caught up words in our throats weren't really needed for confirmation anymore.

I can't believe this. Out of all the people, my sister! She was this fu.cking mystery person that Sam was cheating on me with all this time. My stomach was twisting and turning and I felt like passing out and throwing up all at the same time.

"Selfish, ignorant and heartless assholes." I muttered, angrily fumbling on my seatbelt, trying to make an escape. Unfortunately, before I could even unbuckle myself, Vic took a hold of my hand and rubbed imaginary circles at the back of my palm, attempting to calm me down, maybe. I was way past my boiling point, though. I was fuming in rage that I didn't know I had deep within me before. "Let me go, Vic." I sternly ordered.


"Vic, I fu.cking hate those girls right now. Do you know how much pain and drama they caused me? Us? They're being so fu.cking unfair and immature!" I yelled out. As if on instinct, Vic clamped a hand on my mouth and looked back to where Sam and Kelly were still standing and talking intently. I was squirming and trying my hardest to get away from Vic's grasp but obviously, he's stronger than me.

"Calm down for a sec, alright?" He requested calmly and finally removed his hand from my mouth. "We don't know why they're talking like- like that so let's not complicate things and jump in to conclusions, alright? For all we know, they could be arguing right now."

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