Chapter 6

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Once I reached the eight-hour mark, I was quick to leave my comfortable spot on the couch in Brendon's office, anxiously waiting for Ken to pick me up. The drive back to our house was deadly silent, as per usual but I couldn't care less. He'd be gone this weekend since he told our parents that he needs to go back to university ahead of time since he has papers to attend to; stuff related to his college org or something like that, I'm not quite sure. Also, in just a few hours, I could get my hands back to my trusted phone so really, nothing could ruin my vibe right now.

I dashed my way up to my room, taking a quick shower and changing in to a more comfortable set of clothes. I sat by my bedroom window with a book in hand, gradually looking out to our driveway, waiting for our parents. And sure enough, the familiar red SUV appeared in front of our house, parking in front of Ken's car. I threw whatever book I was reading somewhere in my room- I really didn't care.

"Kellin!" I stood at the end of the staircase with my eyes wide opened and the biggest grin that I ever had since I went back to this stupid place.

"Kailey, what the heck!" I shouted right back with a laugh, engulfing my sister in to a tight hug as she rushed to my small frame, burying herself to my warm grasp. "I missed you so much." I whispered to her ear, hearing her giggle against my chest. We stayed in our positing for a moment, just enjoying each other's warmth and well-missed presence.

"I missed you, too." She finally breathed out, pushing herself a little away from me just enough to look up to my face.

"What brings you here?" I asked, still in that over-the-top euphoric feeling. I missed my sister so much and I honestly don't know why she just went off with the wind, all of a sudden. Alongside with my isolation from Vic, she stayed out in the city, staying with friends, I suppose. She continued and finished her remaining months in high school though, which I am so proud of.

She smiled at me brightly before whispering, aware that our parents were in the kitchen, probably listening to our conversation. "Yeah, about that, I have lots of things that I have to tell you." She said, a glint of excitement sparkling up in her pretty eyes.

"We're going in my room." I shouted to my parents as Kailey practically dragged me to the stairs, making me almost trip over my own feet.

"Wait, Kellin." My mom's soft-and unusual, if I may say- voice put both Kelly and I in a halt. "Your father and I talked about how you've been quite progressing with everything and we-" She cut her self off, taking in a deep breath. If I was smiling widely a while ago, I sure as hell am smiling even wider now. "We decided that it's fair enough for us to give you back your cellular phone." She said in one subtle and uneasy breath.

My eyes lit up but I was stubborn enough to keep my walls guarded and not give them the satisfaction of knowing that I appreciate their decision. "Okay." Was all I said. With a leery glare, I eyed my mother, approaching her direction as she pulled out that familiar phone from her purse. I grabbed it from her in a swift and harsh way, just in case she changes her mind all of a sudden. "Thanks. I guess." I flatly muttered and turned to my heel, grabbing my sister's arm and dragging her up to my room.

"They confiscated your phone?" She basically laughed at my face once we've locked the door and sat on the carpeted floor.

"Yeah, they're that crazy, you should know that by now." I said and playfully pushed her shoulder, causing for her to fall into a fleet of somewhat endless giggles. "Anyway, what brings you here?" I once again asked the question, my eyes now glues to my phone. I turned it on and was just waiting for it to warm up or load the applications and all.   

"Oh, yeah! You know that Ken would be leaving for university in a couple of days, right?" I nodded, eager for her to continue. "Well, our parents said that since they wouldn't be able to keep a close eye on you, they asked me if I could stay here in-" She didn't even have to finish whatever she was left to say. I was over the top by then when I engulfed her into another tight hug.

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