Chapter 15

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"Maybe she's possessed?" Vic asked, looking slightly deep in thought as his index finger unconsciously started drawing imaginary figures on my knee as we both sat on our usual place in Brendon's office.

"As a person who spends most of his time studying about religion and unseen deities, I could assure you that Kellin's mom isn't possessed." The pastor countered Vic's ridiculous speculation, letting out a sigh as he continued doing whatever the heck he's been doing behind that huge computer monitor of his.

"There's no other reasonable explanation for her change of mood, though." Vic shot back, crossing his arms bitterly and slouching down further at the back of the maroon beaten-down material of the couch.

"A change of heart, as simple as that." The pastor once again answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Vic didn't even dare to say another word although his face mirrored that expression that tells you that he has so much more to say because really, deep down, we all know that what the pastor said was right- no matter how unbelievable it sounded.

It has been two days since I had that sit-down talk with my mom also, the first time in two days that I've seen Vic. Since there was a drastic change of heart on my mother's part, I found it in my heart to be extra nice to her. I mean, at least she was actually trying to understand me and the changes that I've been trying to imply.

As soon as I got the chance to go to the church for my service, I told Brendon about everything that my mother said to me because I just wanted to tell someone about it and hear their opinions about the given situation and just like what he told Vic today, he believes that my mother's finally letting her heart soften and adapt the things that I've always wanted for them to grasp.

"No one's even listening to me." I heard Vic huff beside me, looking like a frustrated kid with his arms crossed and his lips pursed. He looks so adorable, damn it.

"Sorry. I was just thinking." I whispered, leaning in and giving the skin below his ear a light peck.

He took it as an opportunity to wrap his toned arms around my waist, pulling me to his lap so that I was straddling him. "What were you thinking about?"

"Just.. stuff." I whispered, a sly smile appearing on my flushed face. I brushed my nose against his, our eyes never leaving each other's tight gaze.

"What got you so lost in your thoughts that you can't even listen to me?" He asked, breath brushing across my chapped lips. He subconsciously licked his bottom lip damn that just drove me crazier. His eyes flicked between my big eyes and down to my lips, almost as if daring me to make the first move.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers finding their way to the tips of his soft hair, tugging at them a little as I moved so that I could whisper properly to his ear. "Maybe I was thinking about you. Who knows?" I heard him try to strain a soft moan at the back of his throat as he squirmed beneath me. I smiled to myself, feeling accomplished that I could actually make him feel like this.

"You nimrods mind not doing that here?" And this is one of those days when I despise Brendon's presence. "Father Way could come up any minute, just so you both know."

"Buzzkill." I muttered under my breath, unwillingly dragging myself away from Vic's warm lap.

"Keep that to yourself or I wouldn't let you do your shenanigans in my office anymore." He said, sounding irritated which shocked me, actually. Vic and I had been goofing around whenever we're in his office and the pastor never seemed to mind before.

"Hey, sorry." I said, standing up from the couch and sitting on the chair in front of him, across his table. "Sorry. I don't want you to think that we're taking advantage of your kindness, okay?" I truthfully said, looking at him as he carried on with whatever he's doing on his computer.

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