Chapter 10

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If I wasn't so eager myself, I would've been surprised when Vic grabbed the back of my neck and collided his lips against mine. In such an excited manner, I kissed him back with much more devotion, taking in his scent as I inhaled deeply, trying to not break out from the kiss just to take that much needed oxygen. I didn't care, really. I was just too focused with Vic's taste and the way that his fingertips burned against my cold skin.

My hands were gripping his shirt, volts of electricity were having this crazy frenzy as they jolt from one place to another. The space between us was nonexistent but somehow, I needed more. I wanted more. Without any doubts or hesitations, I pushed him roughly so that he was lying on his back with me on top of him. We were both panting irrationally, as if we were running a marathon. I could feel my own heartbeat thumping loudly against my chest as I buried myself deeper against Vic's chest, feeling his own heart race a thousand miles per hour.

I bit Vic's bottom lip which caused him to take a sharp intake of breath. I used it as a privilege to explore his mouth with my own tongue, gliding against his and moving in sync as our breathing became more and more scarce.

My mind was so consumed with eager, need and of course, lust and I just needed more. My hands started wandering from his chest to his sides and to the hem of his stupid shirt. We were so pressed against each other, none of us daring to move away just yet that I found it hard to push up his shirt. I was tugging at it, my fingers balling into fists as I tried so hard to move it up.

"So eager." He whispered with a playful smile, finally doing us both a favor and pushing his shirt up. I just smiled back at him as I pushed myself a little, removing my own shirt. As soon as we got that problem fixed, I went back to his lips, biting and licking his now plump pair. Since my hands has a mind of its own, they started appreciating Vic's toned, and may I just add, gloriously bare torso. I was rubbing my palms against his chest, taking a mental note of how much I love his fit body.

My mind was a very misty place to be in at that very moment as my hands were finding their way lower and lower, resting at the belt hoops of Vic's jeans. I pushed my lower half up, not even daring to break away from his lips, fumbling with the button of his damn pants. I could already feel his buddy against my leg and me, being my usual helpful self, I didn't want him to suffer and suffocate in that tight pants of his. With that thought in mind, I did him a favor and unbuttoned the article of clothing and unzipped it hastily, tugging the restricting pants just a few inches down before Vic finally made a move under me but in a way that went against the thoughts that I had in mind.

"Wait." He breathed out, turning his head to the side and pushing me a little. I looked at him with my eyebrows knitted together, confused out of my mind.

"What?" I choked out, strings of breath clogging up my tight throat.

"Where do you want this to lead?" He asked, still panting. For a moment, I was lost in the rise and fall movement of his chest but I shook my head before I could even maul him right then and there. Out of all the time that we've been hanging, he really decides to talk now? He's killing me here.

"I want you, Vic." I whispered, once again lowering myself against him, planting butterfly kisses on his neck and down to his chest, making him shudder and slightly squirm underneath me. I couldn't help but to smile to myself, feeling triumphant with my lips' effect on him.

"I want you, too, Kells but.. Are you sure about this?" He asked. I pulled myself away from his skin and looked down on him, both my palms planted at either side of his head. He was slightly sweating, little beads of sweat forming on his forehead and was still a little bit out of breath. He looked so perfect. Too damn perfect.

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