Chapter 7

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"This is a stupid idea." I muttered under my breath, my fingers unconsciously playing with the material of Kailey's car seat. It's only been days ever since Kailey resided right back in our house and surprisingly, she managed to befriend Brendon in such a short amount of time.

"No, it's not." Kailey snappily said with a huff. "Stop being so whiney."

"I am not being whiney, I'm just stating the truth in this messed up plan." I spat back. God, how could I let my sister manipulate me like this? Then again, I've been entrusting my life decision on to other people's hands lately.

"Whatever. You're going to that bar, talk to your Mexican and win him back. Simple." My sister stated simple, shrugging her shoulders as we took a turn.

"Easy for you to say." I muttered with an attitude just to cover up the extreme high of nervousness that had been whirling around my systems since this morning. Ever since Kailey and I sat and talked about everything that had happened with my life before she plopped back in to the scene, she had been convincing, or rather, demanding me to just suck it up and talk to Vic. She just think that it's that simple when really, it's the exact opposite of that; it's the sketchiest thing that anyone could ever think of forcing me to do.

"I think this is the place." Kailey announced, snapping me out from my little train of thoughts instantaneously shifting my gaze to a somewhat ragged looking building.

"You think this is the place? You're not even sure?" I asked my sister in disbelief. Graffiti and torn out posters were littering the rotten brick wall, ads and more posters messily posted on top of each other on the glass window of the bar. It kind of brought me to a little trip back memory lane as I thought of Vic's bar back in California.

"No, this is it." She cleared out, her eyes glued to her phone as she double checked the location. "Yup, one hundred per cent sure now." She announced, a toothy smile sprawled across her face as she carelessly threw her phone on the dusty dashboard of her car. I stared at her, silently begging for her to go with me but she just looked at me with a raised brow, waiting for me to make a move. "Go on now, we don't have all day to waste away."

"Why can't you at least go with me inside?" I whined for probably the thousandth time just that afternoon.

Kailey shook her head and looked at me in disbelief. "I have to go and meet up with your 'girlfriend', right?" She reminded me as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I let out a pathetic whine, in the hopes of my sister giving in and probably dusting off even a little amount of mercy on me. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

"You'll regret this. I'll regret this. We'll regret this. This entire place will regret this." I muttered dramatically, unbuckling my seatbelt and practically dragging my legs away from my sister's almost beaten down car.

"Stop being such a brat, gosh." Kailey rolled her eyes at me. "And for the record, I have to spend an entire hour with your girlfriend. I think I should be the one who's whining here." And with that, she sped off, not waiting for me to respond. Maybe so that she could prevent the obvious argument that was bound to happen.

I stood in front of the odd place, my sweaty hands shoved deep within the soft material of my jacket with my fingers playing with the lint found in them. My mind was in a serious battle as endless possibilities bombarded my skeptical brain. Half of my mind was telling me to back out and just walk the few miles that we just drove when on the other hand, I've been itching on just getting over this little drama that I've managed to sew together in the hopes of getting back to Vic's arms.

The mere thought of going back under Vic's adoring gaze won the little mental battle that I had with myself and slowly, I approached the door of the bar. Seeing that it's too early for anyone to go to a bar, there was only a handful of people in the dimly lit place. The few people looked like they had been here since last night, obviously looking drunk off of their shoes.

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