Chapter 5

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Since that day that my parents caught me almost sneaking out from our house after spending the night somewhere else, they've been keeping a tight grip on me, watching my every move as if they're trying to scout for some sort of an evidence to prove that I've been off, doing whatever rebellious thing it is that I am possibly out and about. It sucks, to say the least. They act like they're some kind of a parole officer or something, keeping a sharp eye on this kid that just got out from juvie. The thought of inadvertently bailing out on Vic had been egging me, too. Maybe he's seriously pissed off at me now and I can't blame him on that. He has every right to hate me now.

Also, every time that I would have to go to church for my service, Ken would be the one to drive me there. Yeah, I can't go anywhere without at least either of my parents or Ken driving me.  My parents came up with the decision of making Ken stay here with us while he's on his vacation from university. I didn't mind him that much though because I know that his little break from school would only last for one more week. Right now, I would have to just deal with him and the situation given.

It's Wednesday today, which means that I don't have to go to work this afternoon because of my day-off. Although that's the blissful case, I have to go to church and do my eight-hour long service. It really sucks, coming to think of it. Instead of just spending a relaxing day at home, sleeping all day or watching some crappy reality TV show, I have to stay in that secluded place until three pm. Although sometimes, I find little enjoyment in staying there since the pastor had been fun to be with and to be honest, he isn't that strict since the age gap between us isn't really that far.

The short drive to the church was uneventful and painfully silent. It was expected, though. Ken and I aren't really that close ever since we were little kids. Let's just say that although we've never had a rough episode, he just tend to be a little bit of a suck-up to our parents. He's the one who would always tell on Kelly whenever he knows that she's up to no good. I remember doing what I can to cover up for her but Ken somehow has his own way in finding out eventually. Even though I've been longing for my sister's presence and been craving for someone to talk and open up to, I know that I couldn't trust my brother with my thoughts or secrets since he would most probably rat me out to my parents.

Pastor Urie, one of our local church's main pastor, assigned me to trim the hedges and to water the beautifully blossomed orchids in the church's backyard garden thing. I happily obliged and went to the shed to grab all the equipment that I would be needing for my task. I didn't mind the given task for me one bit. I'm just glad that I get to work outside. It's getting pretty stuffy to be spending long hours inside the dark structure of the church and I just want to enjoy the cool and calming air outside for once.

I am picking out some lovely daisies and a few sunflowers from the garden while Pastor Urie has been keeping me company, telling jokes and stories maybe so that I wouldn't get too worn out and bored too soon since I still have four more hours to kill.

"They're the most adorable kids that I've seen in this neighborhood, I'm not even kidding. Whenever I would walk the dog out to the park, I'll see them sitting on the curb with their little tricycles beside them whilst they casually drink their Capri-Suns." Pastor Urie ended his story with a chuckle which made me laugh, too, as I carefully picked the eighth daisy, gathering them in a bunch, attempting to make a decent-looking bouquet to display upstairs to the pastor's office.

"Pastor Urie, I think this looks good enough." I said with a light chuckle, handing him the pathetic attempt that I made.

"Yeah, that would work." He smiled and took it from my hand, studying it a little, making a few adjustments. "And I said that you can call me Brendon. I mean, whenever there are no authorities or whatever around." He laughed mostly to himself. What I learned about him is that, we aren't really that far off when it comes to experience. He wasn't really that willing or committed when he first started attending this ministry thing. I haven't figured out yet as to why though.

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