Chapter 14

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The ride back home was pretty dense and damn right awkward, to say the least. My mom kept glancing at me through the rear view mirror as she drove our way to our house.

"Well, that was pretty weird, huh?" My sister was the one to break the silence that was swimming in my head once we stepped foot in our house, our mom dashing her way straight to the kitchen.

"Yeah." I muttered. Although it had been a week and a couple of days since I had that real talk with my sister, I've been this stubborn prick who had been acting cold and distant towards her.

"Kellin, I don't know how many times I should apologize but, I really am sorry." She sadly said, grabbing my arm to stop me from my tracks.

"Okay." I replied simply and nodded. I guess she got the hint that I wasn't really up for another useless conversation about our issue since we've already talked about this topic about a hundred times over the past week even though I never really budged on changing my attitude towards her. What she did was like a careless and heavy slap across my face. Although I could say that I've already gotten over my intense feelings for Sam, that wouldn't change the fact that she basically betrayed me as if I wasn't her brother.

"Kellin, dear," My mom called out and for once, I was thankful for it seeing as it was a good enough excuse for me to leave the tensed air between my sister and I.

I entered the kitchen area and I saw my mom wearing her apron and her shoulder-length hair neatly tied up as best as it could with its length. "Yeah?"

"Don't meet up with Victor again. Please." She blurted, letting out a heavy sigh afterwards. I snorted at her words though, my shoulders shaking a little.

"Okay well, I've been doing a great job in following your rules and trying to be the son that you've always wanted me to be so- I don't know, why not maybe at least let me hang out with him. I'm not the same kid that you've been keeping your eye on from like, ten- fifteen years ago." I said and hopefully, I could finally get my words through her thick skull. I know that I should've stood my ground sooner rather than later but you can't blame me though; I was raised with the mentality of following your parents words and staying faithful to both them and the religion. I still have some morals tucked deep within my sleeves even though I feel like I've finally had enough with my parents' bullshit.

"I know, I know." She shook her head and closed her eyes as if she was getting frustrated over something. "It's just that- things might get even more complicated and hard for you, honey." She continued, looking up at me with eyes that seemed like were begging for me to just soften up to her words. I was half expecting for myself to react negatively and just raise my voice to get my reasoning out there but I was certainly confused more than anything.

"As if life isn't hard and complicated already." I whispered mostly to myself and chuckled dryly. "What- Why were you so.. I don't know- weird a while ago?"

"Weird? When?"

"Yeah, weird." I muttered with a sigh, rolling my eyes in the process. "A while ago when I was with Vic. I mean, I was expecting for you to fuc- freakin' lash out on him and threaten him or something but you- you didn't. Why?" I asked that question that had been bugging me for about half an hour now. My mom tensed up. Straightening her floral apron and brushing the small strands of hair that fell on her forehead, smiling at me, even. Just when I thought that things couldn't get any weirder-

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