Chapter 12

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"Are you gonna be okay?" Were the words that came tumbling down Vic's tongue as we pulled over in front of my house. We've dropped Samantha off to her place a couple of minutes ago and I actually stood my ground, not even glancing at her direction. I heard her stifle a sob when she sat silently with us in the car but pity was out from my vocabulary. I don't feel bad and I know that I have the right to be this way.

"Yeah, of course." I said, forcing out a humorless chuckle.

"Don't cause any commotion or any kind of fight, alright?" He warned, looking at me seriously and this time, I genuinely laughed at his parental persona.

"Yes, mom." I muttered, trying to control my laughter.

"She's your sister, Kellin." He breathed out, grabbing my messenger bag from the seat behind us and handing it to me. "Talk things out and if things doesn't work out, let time meddle, okay?"

I didn't respond. I knew I couldn't keep any promises just yet. I could tell that I did quite a great job in looking calm and collected in front of him and I guess that brought him to the conclusion that I was actually going to act as if nothing happened in front of my sister.

I unbuckled myself from the seat and leaned across so that I could give him a kiss. He seemed a little shock with the sudden gesture but he visibly relaxed a few seconds after, kissing me back with an ample amount of trust and reassurance- which actually pained me. If he trusted me with not lashing out on my sister, he's wrong.

"Bye." I said, finally dragging myself away from him and going for the door.

"Behave, okay?" He called out as I strode my way to our front door, fumbling on the door knob.

Once I was inside the house, I was actually expecting it to be empty, thinking that Kelly would be off someplace else to calm her nerves down. I was wrong, obviously. I heard pans and cookie sheets clanking in the direction of the kitchen together with the sound of loud, angsty teenage girl type of music. The music didn't bother me all that much since I was used to hearing it when I was still in college and Kelly would go on to this phase whenever our parents would scold her about either her flunking grades or seeing her hanging out with some 'dangerous' and 'low-life' friends of hers.

I mindlessly dropped my bag on the couch as words upon words started filing up in my hazy mind. I was so worked up as adrenaline jumped from one place in my systems to another. I could feel my head reaching its boiling point as I took one heavy step after another.

I crossed my arms in front of me, watching my horrible excuse of a sister hum with the song that was blasting off from the speakers where she connected her phone.

"Shit!" She shouted without an ounce of hesitation, fully aware that our parents won't be home from the Homeowners' Association meeting just yet. She scanned her finger, momentarily dropping the tray of baked cookies and spun around to set it on the marble counter beside me.

"Oh, didn't expect you to be here so soon." She half-shouted through her loud music, reaching over her phone to finally cut-off the sound and cautiously dropping the cookie sheet in the process "Want some?" She asked with her usual warm smile, getting a piece for her to taste. If this was a normal day, I would've acted differently but unfortunately, I've learned too much.

"Get out of this house." I muttered, looking down on the polished, white tiles underneath my feet. Although I was so fired up with hatred, she's still my sister. I hated being so mean to her but this is her own doing.

Kelly looked at me in confusion, her drawn eyebrows knitting together. "What are you-"

"Don't give me that bullshit." I muttered, finally meeting her gaze. "I saw everything, Kelly. You were with Sam a while ago, right?" I asked, actually waiting for her to respond.

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