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I was at the bar with my best friend, Judy and her boyfriend, Jermaine, minding my own damn business when Judy tapped me on my shoulder and pointed at some guy seated at the bar counter. I looked at him and the first word that escaped my mouth was "DAMN!"

"Wow he is gorgeous," Judy commented.

"Indeed," Jermaine nodded as he passed us our drinks.

"Are you going to approach him or what?" Judy asked.

"I don't know," I took a sip from my cup and continued, "he seems way out of my league," Judy rolled her eyes at me and scoffed.

"See. I told you. This girl will be single at 40," she shook her head, eyes fixed on Jermaine.

"Zylith. I know it's weird for me to give you such advise but, you'd be a fool to miss this one," he sipped on his drink.

After a lot of thinking I said, "wish me luck guys I'm going to shoot my shot," I took a deep breath and fixed my hair before making my way to the counter.

"Here for another drink?" the bartender asked as soon as I took a seat. I smiled and nodded before glancing at the guy beside me. The bartender poured me another shot and slid it towards me.

"Thanks," I picked it up and gulped it down in an instant. I felt his eyes on me so I looked his way and smiled.

"Hi," he smiled back. I chose not to reply and asked the bartender for another shot.

"Wow you are such a good drinker," he smirked. His voice was as deep as an ocean, it swept me off my feet instantly.

"It's a hobby of mine," I replied nonchalantly and continued drinking. He chuckled and moved closer to me.

"Zylan," he offered his hand.

"Omg he is so hot I am freaking out! We even have the same first letter of our names! Calm down Zylith. Calm down," I thought to myself.

"Zylith," I shook his hand.

"This must be fate," he smiled, taking a sip from his cup and continued, "we even have  similar letters in our names. Z&Z. What do you think?" he smirked.

"That sounds so cliché," I replied. I felt like slapping myself for that reply. It was a dumb move. No wonder my dates never lasted.

"Cliché or not, love is love," he laughed. I expected a comment for my cheekiness but none came. The music got louder and louder as the bar became crowded. I assumed it was midnight already.

"Wanna dance?" he asked, offering me a hand. I smiled and put my cup down replying with a nod. He took my hand in his and led me to the dance floor.

I swayed my hips from left to right as his hands lingered around my waist carelessly. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel so insecure and anxious. I was just in the mood to make myself the happiest girl alive.

He spun me around making me face him and placed his hands on my waist again as we moved in sync. I looked him straight in the eye and smirked as he pulled me closer to himself leaving no gap between the both of us. I could feel his hands travel further away from my waist, sliding down my ass.

It was only safe for me to think that he was feeling my curves and nothing more. Whatever it was, I liked it and I wanted more. His touch could make a block of ice melt instantly.

It was as if he had read my mind because he leaned in and I felt our lips touch. Thanks to the heels I was wearing, I was able to reach him despite the huge height difference between us. The kiss was slow and gentle.

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