ღ. 𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆 (𝗙)

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✎. 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 


"Please, Steve, just agree; aren't you getting tired of being single?" Dustin has been thinking of setting up Eddie and Steve on a blind date. He was eager to see what the outcome would be.

"No, Henderson. I don't trust you with this blind date stuff, but if you tell me her name, I might agree." Dustin almost let out a chuckle at the thought of Steve thinking it was her. "How can it be a blind date if I tell you their name?" Steve rolled his eyes.

The kid has been pestering him for almost two weeks now.

"Please-" Dustin pleads, but Steve cuts him off. "You know what? Fine, if that will make you shut up." That brought a big smile to Dustin's face, and he did a little victory dance.

"Yes! Finally! Exactly 6:30 p.m. at the place two blocks away from here, okay?" Before Steve can respond, Dustin runs away from him

"Wait! No, Dustin, not 6:30; that's like 1 hour from now," Steve cried out

It's no use; Dustin has already come running to wherever Eddie is.

Eddie already agreed, even though he also thinks it's a stupid idea because who wants to have a date with him? She or he might run away after seeing that he's the one who has been set up to date with them. He's Eddie The 'Freak' Munson after all. But Dustin told Eddie to trust him, and surprisingly to Dustin, he did

"Hey, Eddie, ready for your date?" Eddie cocked his head. "What? Today? You said next week" but he's not ready yet.

Yes, the original plan was for the date to be next week. Because Dustin himself is not sure if he can pursue Steve, he did it today; he can't move it next week because Steve might change his mind, which is a problem. He doesn't want to tell Eddie that his date doesn't want to come anymore; that will surely hurt him.

"Change of plans then." Eddie is nervous; of course he is. Dustin noticed it too. "Just be yourself; you'll be fine," he tried to brighten up Eddie.
Eddie tried to play it cool. "I'm not nervous, Henderson," Dustin chuckled. "I didn't say you were nervous; I'm just giving you some advice." Eddie rolled his eyes.

They're waiting for other Hellfire members. And when they did arrive, bursting in the door, they started playing.

Meanwhile, Steve is panicking. What the hell would he wear? What should he say? How should he react? He was pacing around like an idiot.

"Hey, Dingus, what the hell are you doing?" Robin leans her shoulder on the wall, and she crosses her arms. "Goddamn Henderson told me the blind date is today." Robin grinned. "Didn't you say you don't care? That's a lot of care for someone who doesn't care, y'know?
"Well, I don't know? What if she's really my type?" 
"Are you sure it's a she?" He frowns. What if it's really not a she? I mean Dustin keeps referring it as "Them or They"
"But why would he set me up with a guy?" Robin shrugs and walks off to help a customer, leaving Steve, who's pondering

The Hellfire Club finished their game at exactly 6:17 pm, and of course they won. Dustin waits for everyone to go out so that he can snatch Eddie away. When he got his chance, he pulled Eddie away from others.
"Let's go!" Dustin drags him to the place where he organized Eddie and Steve's little date. They didn't even bother to take a taxi or bus. They just straight up ran.
When they arrived, they crouch, head down, leaning their hands to their knees to support their weight, and can hardly catch their breath. Since none of them bothered to stop and rest, they just ran.

"You little- shh- I'm sweaty as- HA" Eddie lets out a loud sigh; he can barely finish his sentence due to exhaustion.

"Henderson?" Both Eddie and Dustin looked up. Eddie suddenly straightened his position. Steve and Eddie caught each other's gaze but quickly looked away.

"Uh, welcome to your blind date!" The younger one nervously let out a laugh. He was observing the two, and he decided he should get the hell away.

"Uhm, Enjoy your lovely date, Steve and Eddie, and please get along. Bye!" Eddie and Steve awkwardly stand there and watch Dustin run away again.

"So, Steve? Steve Harrington?" Eddie spoke awkwardly. Yes, everything is awkward.

"Yeah, and you're Eddie? Who's Dustin always talking about? The one from a cult?" The metalhead grinned and said, "It's not a cult, Steve." Eddie emphasizes Steve's name.

Steve's body was tense because of the way his name was perfectly rolled with Eddie's tongue.

"Earth to Harrington, do you want to get in or what?" Steve shakes it off and gets in; Eddie follows him inside, and it was an ice cream shop.

Steve can hear Eddie scoffing. "Who the hell eats ice cream at 6 p.m.?" Steve rolled his eyes at the statement. He has worked in an ice cream shop before, and in his experience, a lot of people do.
"Cool people," Eddie scoffs again. "Whatever, what flavor do you want?"

"You" Steve meant it as a joke, but he can't bring himself to laugh or even chuckle. Great, I made it awkward again. He thought to himself.

Eddie chuckles, "You sure are something, Harrington; wait here." Eddie winks at him before sliding through the counter and ordering ice cream. Steve might or might not be blushing right now.

After about 5 minutes, Eddie's back with two ice creams in hand, and Steve recognizes the flavors. Eddie is already licking the mint chocolate chip-flavored ice cream, and he looks adorable. Eddie hands Steve the Rocky Road-flavored ice cream. Which Steve gladly took.

"Rocky Road, really?"

What? You said me, right? Rocky Road is definitely me." Steve cocked his eyebrows. "How and why, Munson?"

"Well, I'm Rocky and Road?"

Steve laughs "Seriously, Munson?"

"Yes, seriously, now shut up and eat your damn ice cream." Steve was amused by Eddie; he wasn't as bad as he thought.

They talked and walked, and both of them were very happy and comfortable with each other's company. Eddie spotted an arcade.

Eddie nugde Steve "Hey, you wanna go inside?" Steve nods

They both came inside the arcade. Eddie pointed at the game Street Fighter. They are against each other. Steve keeps winning. Instead of getting annoyed, Eddie feels this funny feeling in his stomach when Steve cheers, smiles, or laughs every time he wins. Eddie thinks: He must be crazy for liking Steve when this is their first meeting.

When they're tired of playing street fighters. They left to play another game. The two are too busy; they didn't realize the time.
Steve let out a yawn, which Eddie noticed: "You seem tired, Harrington." Steve doesn't want to admit that he's tired since he enjoys Eddie's company, but his face and brain say a completely different thing: he's really tired.

"Ha, yeah, it's 8 p.m., so maybe we should go home?" Eddie nods, even though he doesn't want this day to end.

They exited the arcade

"Uhm, I'm going this way," Steve said, pointing to his left. "Well, I'm going this way." Eddie pointed in a different direction.

"Oh, so bye?"

"Yeah, bye." Eddie smiled coyly, which made Steve giggle a bit.

"Hey? Eddie?" Eddie raised his eyebrows in confusion. Steve released a sigh before grabbing Eddie's shirt and kissing him on the lips. It was a gentle, soft kiss. Eddie made his way into Steve's waist, leaning more into the kiss. Steve breaks the kiss, looking into Eddie's deep, dark brown eyes.

"We should do this again."

"Yeah, we should."

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