ღ. 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒕 (𝗦)

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✎. 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭

Dom!Eddie again, yey!

I don't know of any other games on the PC other than Minecraft, and my knowledge about speedruns is not much, so my apologies if I get something wrong.


"Dustin, are you already there?" Eddie spoke through the mic. "Yep. Let's wait for others," Dustin replied.

Recently, Eddie has been so addicted to playing video games on his computer that Steve bought it for him; he usually plays Minecraft, Apex Legends, and Mortal Kombat.

The five of them-Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Mike-always play together whenever they have a chance to do so.

"Is everyone here?" Eddie asks, to which they reply, "yes."

"Alrighty, let's go collect basic supplies and find a village."

Steve leaves his job earlier than he expected. He planned for him and Eddie to have a special day, which is why he bought a bouquet and chocolates for Eddie.

When he got home, he was welcomed by Eddie, who had his eyes glued to the computer in front of him, not even acknowledging that Steve had already gotten home. Half of Steve regrets buying him that computer, and the other half of him also feels great seeing Eddie enjoying, smiling, laughing, and having the best time of his life. But it's too much, and Eddie doesn't pay attention to him anymore.

He wants his attention so badly.

Steve settles the bouquet and chocolates on the table and takes off his blazer, leaving his polo and necktie on. He walks towards Eddie, placing his hands on the latter's shoulder, which surprised him, and turning his head to Steve.

"Oh, shit baby, you're home. I thought you'd be late." Eddie looked back at the computer again, causing Steve to sigh. "I thought so too." Eddie only nodded in response.

Steve retracts his hands off Eddie's shoulder while walking away, trying to find a way to get Eddie's attention, and suddenly his little lightbulb lights up.

Smirk plastered on Steve's face as he walks in front of Eddie, covering the computer. The latter's brows rose up. Steve kneeled down, facing Eddie's crotch. Eddie was taken aback and confused by what Steve was up to.

A smirk plastered on Steve's face as he walks in front of Eddie, covering the computer. The latter's brows rose up. Steve kneeled down, facing Eddie's crotch. Eddie was taken aback and confused by what Steve was up to.

"What are you doing?" Eddie whispered, trying not to get heard by the kids. "Just a little support from under the desk."

Steve unzips Eddie's pants, pulling them down together with his boxer. Eddie's already hard cock slips out, and Steve grins, clasping his hand around it. Eddie bit his lower lips, not letting a single sound out.

Steve started to move his hand up and down, going slower as if trying to tease Eddie. He could feel Eddie's annoyance, so he decided to part his lips apart, finally taking Eddie's cock in his mouth.

"Fuck!" Eddie unknowingly yelled, startling the kids on the other line. "What the fuck happened?" Dustin yelled worringly, "I stubbed my toe." Eddie covered up, trying his very best not to moan as Steve bobbed his head up and down, sneaking a few grins.

Eddie got a hold of Steve's hair, pushing it further and hitting the back of the latter's throat. Eddie didn't stop from deep throating Steve; tears are forming in the latter's eyes.

When Eddie had enough, he pulled Steve back using his hair. A string of saliva was visible on Steve's opened mouth as he was pulled back.

Steve got up from kneeling, and Eddie hurriedly took Steve's pants off. Eddie grabs Steve's necktie, using it to pull him to his lap. Steve's arms automatically attach to Eddie's neck.

The latter shoves off his mic that's attached to his headphones, captivating Steve's lips; their tongues fight over dominance, in which Eddie wins, roaming around Steve's mouth, loving every part of it.

Eddie's hand wanders on Steve's back; when his hands reach the lower part, he grasps Steve's bottom, squeezing it. Steve takes this as a signal and slightly raises up so Eddie can position himself.

After prepping Steve, Eddie shoved his cock in, burrying it deep inside, making Steve's head lean back, gripping the back of Eddie's neck firmly.

Steve moved up and down, unable to contain his moans. Eddie took Steve's necktie, pushing it on the latter's mouth using it as a gag.

"Hey, Eddie, why'd you become quite?" Mike on the other line asks. Eddie adjusted his mic and cleared his throat. "Oh, yeah, sorry something came up, but don't worry, just go find lava so we can make a portal," he responds, trying his best for his voice to not break.

The slapping noise of their bare skin can be heard around the room, and of course the mic audio is no exception.

"Is it just me, or do you guys also hear a slapping noise on Eddie's mic?" Will asked that poor kid. "Oh, uh, there's a slime nearby; it's them that's making a noise." Eddie covers it up again, his breath hitching as pleasure hit him.

Both of them are close to organisms.

"Shit! Steve!" Once again, the kids are startled by Eddie's sudden moan of Steve's name. Steve puts his other hand on Eddie's mouth, trying to shut him up so that they wouldn't get caught and not taint the kids poor souls and innocence.

The couple reached their orgasm, letting out a white, sticky liquid. They're both a sweaty mess, and they're trying to catch their breaths.

"Dude! Eddie! Are you okay? I can hear you heavily breathing."

"Sorry kids, I have important stuff to do; I'll catch y'all later," Eddie said before turning off the computer.

"Y'know, you could've done that before we had sex."

"Well, you started it." Eddie grins, kissing Steve on the lips with his hands on Steve's waist.

Meanwhile, the four kids whom Eddie left start to grumble, "They really thought we didn't know they were fucking."


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