ღ. 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒅

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This book is being rewritten. I already finished rewriting the first four stories/chapters; you can go check it out. I made some minor changes.

Walking through the corridors of the school, Eddie walks past Jason's group; they look furious, very furious. It wasn't even a second when his back was slammed against the locker.
"What the hell, man?" Eddie was confused. What the fuck did he do now?
"I heard you were harassing my girl again. I told you to get your eyes off her!"
Where did he hear this shit from? I have never harassed anyone. I may have sold drugs, but harass? No, I would never
"Get off me, man!" Eddie tries to break away.

Jason nodded to signal one of his friends to hold Eddie's arm tighter so that he wouldn't be able to move.

"I warned you many times not to look at her with your disgusting eyes! But don't worry, I will make sure to gouge your eyes out, so that you will never be able to look at my girl again." Eddie is terrified; of course he is.
He saw Jason's fist was about to land on his face, and he had no choice but to brace himself. He fell dizzy; he doesn't know. It happened so fast, but there's one thing he's sure of: it hurts like hell. He didn't even recover from the first punch when he felt Jason's fist on his face again. He was expecting another punch, but just like another cliche high school romance bully movie, a man came to his rescue. He doesn't know who it is. He took a glance at the man who even bothered to help him.

He couldn't believe who it was—Steve Harrington. Eddie thought his eyes were tricking him or that it was because his head hurt, but no, he recognized that perfect hair of his. They managed to hold off Steve and punch him, and Eddie forced himself to get up and help Steve.
Steve saw him, and he grabbed Eddie by his wrist, pulling him to make a run for it.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FREAK!" Jason screams, trying to chase them with his group. Eddie can even barely breathe from running, while Steve is determined to get them out of there. They reached Steve's car, and they paused to catch their breaths.

They reached Steve's car, and they paused to catch their breaths.

Steve opened the door of his car in the front seat. "Get in," he ordered, which Eddie followed.
Eddie got inside Steve's car, and so did Steve.

Why did you do that?" Eddie asked, "Do what?" Steve replied

"You saved me, why?" 

Before Steve could answer, they heard and saw Jason screaming. Steve immediately started the car's engine.
Steve drove so fast that Eddie couldn't say anything but hold on to his dear life.
After a minute of driving, they arrived at Steve's house. Even though Eddie was unsure of getting out of the car, he did it anyway. He can't believe he's in the house of the one and only Steve Harrington.

They walked inside Steve's house; it's unbelievably bigger inside.

Steve pointed at the couch and said, "Sit down there; I'm going to go pick up the first aid kit." Eddie obeyed.

He noticed his reflection in the mirror. Holy fuck, I look like shit, he thought. The stinging pain came back as he saw how bad he looked. A cut on his forehead, big swollen cheeks, and mostly blood around the cuts he got. 

Steve came back with a first-aid kit. Eddie can't believe he let Steve see him in this state. If it's not obvious that he did have a big crush on Steve, he did try to push away the thought of liking Steve because he knew he didn't have any chance.
The latter cleaned his wounds with a gauze pad soaked in water. He was very gentle; Eddie feels safe from the touch. Eddie's eyes were so fixated on Steve. And Steve noticed this too; he was trying to focus on what he was doing, but he couldn't help but take a glance at those doe eyes looking at him, twinkling like he was the most precious person in the world.
After trying not to get distracted, Steve finished cleaning his wound. applying ointment and putting bandaids on after. 

"Thank you, Steve," Eddie sincerly smiled, "don't mention it. Also, you need to rest. Come with me."
Eddie followed him again, just like a puppy who got saved. Steve led him to his bedroom.

"I'm going to change; if you're tired already, sleep." Eddie nods as he throws himself in bed; he's too tired, plus his head hurts. He drove off to sleep.

When Steve got out, he grins looking at Eddie sleeping on his side; he's so peaceful and adorable. Steve lays besides him. He observes Eddie. God, he's so pretty, with his hair sitting perfectly on his neck and shoulder, a cute button nose, and soft plump lips. Shit, Steve is so whipped for this guy.

"If only I could lend you my eyes and let you see how perfect you are." Steve whispered

He couldn't help but lean in; Eddie's lips were so hypnotizing. He was inches away when he stopped. Kissing him without his permission or him not knowing is a dumb move, Steve thought.

Eddie opened his eyes and said, "If you won't do it, I will." Steve was startled by his voice, and Eddie chuckled, closing the gap between them. For Steve, it was a sweet sensation; his lips felt like soft velvet petals from the most beautiful rose. Their kiss lasted like forever until they broke it off.

"About your question about why I saved you. I fell in love the first time I saw you, back in my first year here. I remembered how you looked so cute struggling to tie your shoes. So you can say that I have been pining; I can't do anything but watch you from afar, but I did vow to save you from any harm because you're very dear to me."

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