ღ. 𝑳𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒓 (𝗦)

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✎. 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭

I can't believe I'm rewriting this. I told myself I wasn't going to read this again out of embarrassment. But here I am, rewriting this and writing more smuts.


Moans, screams, and cries echoed in the room. Steve's getting irritated; he just wants to watch a goddamn series in peace, but the neighbors won't let him. The walls are so fucking thin, and this always happens twice a week, yup, week, not month, nor year.

"Those two can't really live without sex," Eddie complains, and Steve nods in agreement.

"I think Bartholomew must be really good; that's why Sandra couldn't have enough." Eddie joked, and they both laughed. It's ironic how Steve and Eddie never meet their neighbors, but they know exactly what their name is.

Steve huffs, "The most unmoanble names I've ever heard, and I'm fucking tired of hearing them."

"You want to fuck louder than them to establish dominance?" Eddie asked with a sly smile on his face.

Eddie pulled out a lube from his pocket, throwing it to Steve. Steve caught it and simply placed it on the table.

Eddie chuckles. "Well, someone's prepared."

Steve pulled Eddie by his wrist, causing Eddie to sit on his lap. Steve took his clothes off, and Eddie did the same, throwing them across the room. Steve captured his lips; it was a hungry yet passionate kiss. Eddie slightly parted his lips, allowing Steve to slip his tongue in. Steve explored his mouth, making Eddie moan. Eddie could feel his tongue sliding down to his jaw line and down to his neck. Steve was sucking, biting, and leaving marks around his neck. Eddie groaned in pleasure. He could feel Steve's erection.

He kneeled down and undid Steve's pants, slipping down the elastic of the boxer, revealing Steve's hard, pulsing cock; he sucked the tip of Steve's cock, swirling his tongue; Steve leaned his head back; he gripped on Eddie's hair, pushing his head down, making Eddie gag; he bobbed his head up and down, taking all Steve's length.

"Fuck, just like that baby. Shit, you're so good."

Eddie definitely loved the praise; he circling his tongue around his cock, Steve's grip on Eddie's hair tightened, and it made Eddie moan, sending vibrations through Steve's cock.

"Shit, shit, I'm close." Steve groaned as he moved his hips, hitting Eddie's throat. Steve's body jolted, cumming inside Eddie's mouth. Eddie swallowed, not wasting any drop. Eddie stands up; it's now Steve's turn to undo his pants.

"Bend down, ass up," Steve ordered, and Eddie obliged, bending down on the sofa and sticking his ass up, waiting to be fucked by Steve.

Steve thrust his two fingers inside, stretching him out. Eddie gasped at the sudden pain.

"Fuck, lube. Wet it baby," Eddie grinned, turning around, gripping Steve's shaft, and his lips parted around his cock.

Steve sucked in a sharp breath and stopped Eddie before he could do cum again.
Eddie went back to his place, and Steve could feel Eddie's excitement.

Steve positions himself behind Eddie, and Steve rubs his cock around Eddie's hole.

"Fuck, Steve, stop teasing and just- AHHH, F-FUCK." Steve pounded Eddie's hole without any warning.

"STEVE MORE- AHHH-" Steve tugged Eddie's hair, making Eddie lean back. Steve's hand creeped on Eddie's neck, gripping it firmly.

"Louder. I can't hear you." Steve grunts

"PLEASE-STEVE UGHH FUCKK- HARDER PLEASE!" Eddie begged, and Steve brutally fastened his pace, making Eddie a moaning mess. Steve could feel Eddie's walls fluttering around his cock.

"I'm cumming! Ahhh"

With one last powerful thrust, Steve cummed inside Eddie, and Eddie stained the sofa with his own cum. Steve pulled out, panting, and looked for his clothes. Eddie stands behind Steve, clutching Steve's shoulder.

"Round two," Eddie pushed Steve into the sofa.

"Hmm, someone can't get enough." Eddie chuckles. Trying to sit on Steve's lap, he gently pushes Steve's cock inside him. Steve grips Eddie's cock, rubbing the tip. Eddie's getting hard again. He bit his lower lips, holding onto Steve's shoulder. He lets out a whimper. Eddie finally pushed it all in. Steve moans, moving his hands around Eddie's cock and pumping it at a fast pace.

"Fuck, Eddie, ughh." Eddie's hips squirm; they're both a sweaty mess; all that can be heard in the room is their moans, skin slapping, and them moaning each other's names. Steve enjoys how Eddie responds to his touch; he's getting close to orgasming again, and Eddie's wall spasms and contracts, and he arches his back.

They both reached their orgasm; Eddie cummed on Steve's hand, and Steve released Eddie inside of him again. Eddie pulled out, and Steve's cum was leaking from Eddie's hole.

"Fuck Bartholomew and Sandra, we're fucking every day." Eddie laughs, nodding in agreement. "Fuck yeah, we are."


The next day, when the neighbor came knocking on their door, Eddie was the one who opened the door.

"Hey, uh, I just want to tell you guys the wall is kind of thin here." The girl, whom Eddie assumed was Sandra, spoke and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't know the walls were thin. Are we that loud?" Steve sarcastically asked, coming from Eddie's behind. He rested his chin on Eddie's shoulder.

"Yeah, no worries."

"Okay, have a great day, Sandra. Please say hello to Bartholomew for us." Sandra paused for a second, thinking, when did she introduce herself to them? Then it hit her; the embarrassment was visible on her face, and she quickly ran away. They laugh at her reaction.

Starting that day, they started to fuck twice a month, yep, a month. They're not lunatics.


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