ღ. 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝑰𝑰𝑰 (𝗙)

443 29 4

Steddie ft. Byler at the end. Once again, prompts ain't mine.



It's a quite and peaceful day at Steve's flowershop, not until some long curly haired guy walks in, slapping 20 bucks onto the counter

And he asks, "How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?"

Steve burst out laughing; he had never encountered anyone who asked him to make them a 'fuck you' flower.

"Please, wait," Steve said, wiping the tears out of his face before preparing the bouquet.

Steve finished making the bouquet, and he handed it to the customer, saying, "Here you go. I put a black rose as it means hatred, despair, death, or rebirths. And petunia because they symbolize anger and resentment. So, it's totally a fuck you flower."

"Thank you so much, er?"

"Oh, I'm Steve"

"I'm Eddie. Thank you so much, Steve. Now I can finally slap these flowers on my friend with whom I had a fight recently."

Steve chuckles, "Alright, Eddie, good luck with that."

"Thanks again; I'll definitely come back here again." Eddie's ready to go out of the shop. He grabs the door handle, only to stop. He looks back at Steve.

Steve smiled at Eddie confusedly.

"You look stunning, by the way," Eddie winks, completely exiting the shop, leaving Steve flustered and blushing.


Steve bought a whole box of powdered doughnuts. He hides the doughnuts in the cabinet. Who's he hiding it for, you ask? Eddie.

Meanwhile, Eddie saw where Steve hides the doughnuts, and he's planning to steal the doughnuts, as he knows Steve won't give him one because, according to him, "he never got a taste of something he bought because Eddie always finishes the whole thing."

When Steve left, Eddie hurriedly went to the cabinet where Steve had hidden the doughnuts. His eyes twinkled as he saw the doughnuts looking so tasty and asking for them to be eaten.

Steve wasn't wrong about Eddie finishing the whole thing. When he came back, he caught Eddie in the act, and the latter quickly hid the box. He stands up, smiling so brightly at Steve as if he had done nothing.

Eddie? Did you eat all of my powdered doughnuts?" Eddie immediately shakes his head, saying no, even though the evidence is already all over his shirt.

"Then what's the white stuff on your shirt?"

"Cocaine..." Steve chuckles

"Idiot, you could've asked me; you didn't have to steal."

Eddie smiled brightly, kissing Steve on the cheeks. "Thank you, Stevie."


It's the middle of the night when Steve's shuffling uncomfortably in the bed; he can't sleep.

He's craving ice cream.

Eddie is tired of Steve moving around; he's getting annoyed.

He tapped Steve on the shoulder, and the latter turned around, facing Eddie. "What's wrong?" Eddie asks

"I want to eat ice cream; I can't sleep until I taste it." Steve whines

Despite being tired, Eddie forced himself up. He changed his sleeping clothes to a shirt and jeans.

"What flavor do you want?" Steve gleamed "Butter pecan, please."

Eddie slipped some shoes on, ready to go. "Be right back."

Steve smiled at Eddie. He's so lucky to have him as his boyfriend.


"Can I ask what's your biggest fear?" Steve asks his boyfriend, whose head is on his lap.

"You," Eddie answered.
Steve raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Me? How so?"

"I'm scared that one day you'll look in the mirror and see yourself as I see you. You will realize just how amazing you are and that you deserve better than me."

"I'm terrified that you'll leave," Eddie added.

"Oh, Eds, you're the most amazing person I know. I would never leave you nor trade you with anything or anyone else." Steve kisses Eddie's forehead, then gently caresses Eddie's cheeks.

"I love you; you're more than enough for me." Steve reassured Eddie.

"I love you too, Stevie."


Will is officially a Hellfire member. He's been close to Eddie and treated him as if he were his brother. As for Eddie, he also treats him like his younger brother. They're so close that they start to trust each other with their secrets.

Will gently pokes Eddie's arm, trying to get the older man's attention. The latter did notice Will, giving him his full attention.

"I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is because I don't think you'll like it." Will confessed

"Rip the bandaid off," Eddie answered, meaning that he wants Will to spit out who it is.

Will bit his lower lips; he's anxious and a bit hesitant.

"It's Mike," Will finally uttered.

"Put the goddamn bandaid back on," Eddie sighs. "Kid, he's no good for you; have you seen his hetero ass? Jesus"

"Well, is he really straight? I mean, when you said Steve is also straight, he suddenly became your boyfriend."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "For the record, Steve is straight; I just happened to have a remarkable ass that Steve could never resist."

Will giggles, "So, should I really not confess?"

"Y'know, now that I think of it, I think you should give it a shot." Will nodded, smiling thankfully at Eddie.

And he did.

It did go well, and Eddie is once again wrong; Mike is not so hetero after all.


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