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Jungkook liked the night shift at the firehouse. There was some thing about driving home in the early morning as the first light of day touched the world.

A point came where he had to make a choice take the turn for his house or continue on to the packhouse.

There was a time when he would not have hesitated to drive straight to the packhouse and join the others for breakfast.

But that was before. Before Joon and hobi had found mates.

Before the world knew of their pack's existence. Before the house had been filled with cubs.

More and more, the packhouse no longer felt like a place he belonged. He recognized the disconnect but couldn't seem to do anything to turn the tide.

The nature of being a pack's Guide meant he was always a step apart, always on the outside looking in.

It hadn't mattered so much before, but now, when their lives had so much and his had so little...

It was like a chasm had opened up between them. He didn't know how to bridge the divide.

He was just passing the  farm when old Mr. Jih stepped out onto the road, waving him down.

He rolled down his window as he brought the truck to a stop.

"Morning, Jih."

"Just the person I wanted to see. There's a cat stuck in my tree."

"Been up there since yesterday morning. I was sure it would find its own way down, but it's still up there."

Jungkook cast his gaze skyward.

"Supposed to rain again today, and the temperature dropped last night. Poor thing must be half-frozen."

The last thing Jungkook wanted to do was chase some feral cat around a tree, but he couldn't say no.

Just the week before, they'd rescued Lisa's new kitten when it got stuck up her chimney.

He could hardly say that cats didn't fall under his remit, even if he wasn't on duty right then.

"Sure, why don't I take a look? Might be it'll come down once it's hungry enough, or maybe it needs a helping hand."

He didn't envy the day shift having to come out for a stray.

"Much obliged to you."

Jungkook good parked his truck off the road and followed Jih around to the side of the house.

"Up there," the old man said, gesturing to a tall, broad oak tree.

"It's sheltering near the trunk."

Jungkook followed where he pointed, scanning the foliage.

He found what he was looking for, his eyes widening.

Just how bad was Jih's eyesight?

"That's not a cat, Jih. It's a cub of some sort."

"Like a lion?"

"A leopard, maybe. It's hard to be sure from down here."

"Don't think anyone here  is keeping big cats."

"Haven't heard of anyone losing one, anyway," jih said with a laugh.

"How about missing kids?"

Maybe this was just an animal cub, escaped from some wildlife sanctuary, but jungkook didn't think so.

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