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It took one month before they got everything ironed out.

After multiple meetings, assessments and reports, the social workers closed their case and gave them a green light.

It took a harshly worded letter from a lawyer friend of Jin's to convince Jimin's family to back off.

If Jimin had been open to talking to them, that would have been one thing.

But Jungkook knew he still felt betrayed knowing that they hadn't helped protect him from Jiwoo when they'd had the chance.

All the drama wound to a close and Jungkook's family finally had the chance to relax.

Jimin had gone from anxious about the pregnancy to accepting of it in his second month but Jungkook wanted him to go that one step further and enjoy it.

He did everything he could to boost his mate's self-esteem, being honest about how much he liked watching the changes in Jimin's body that came with the fast-approaching end of his pregnancy.

"Will you be disappointed if they're girls?" Jimin asked out of the blue as they lay on their bed one afternoon.

Jungkook had found that often the best way to get Jimin to nap was to nap with him when he got the chance.

"Why would I be?"

"Jiwoo was."

Jungkook never discouraged Jimin from talking about the alpha even if it was hard to hear it sometimes.

"Jiwoo was an idiot."

Jimin giggled."He was, wasn't he?"

Jungkook let his hand travel the length of Jimin's bump.

The babies were sleeping there wasn't so much as a twitch or a kick.

"Girls would be fun."

"It would be nice to have at least one, so Ari doesn't feel so outnumbered But boys would be good too."

"Alpha, beta, omega."

"I'll be happy so long as they're healthy."

"They will be." Jimin said.

"Healthy and strong like you."

"Speak for yourself." he teased.

"Are you sure you shouldn't shift back?"

Jimin yawned and stretched. "I spent all night and all morning as a leopard."

"I think I've earned a few hours as a human."

"Besides, I miss talking to you."

"I miss it too."

"Though we may not have much time for talking once the babies arrive."

"There'll always be time for talking." Jimin insisted. "It might be right in the middle of a sleepless night, both of us cranky and tired..."

"But as long as we can remember to listen to each other, really listen, things will be okay."

San and Kira had helped drill that into their heads recently.

The give and take of a relationship, the balance and the trust.

It wasn't always easy but they muddled through.

Even if some days Jungkook felt like walking the woods alone for hours or if Jimin just wanted to huddle in a ball and ignore the world.

They each knew that the other would be there for them when they came out the other side of it.

And they had Jungmin and their cubs to think of.

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