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Dawn arrived as Jimin sought his Son's trail,fretting when he could not find any hint of where his cub might have been taken.

He was so engrossed in his search that the crunch of foot steps on gravel made him jump.

An old man stared at him suspiciously. He'd clearly come from the nearby farmhouse.

"This is private property."

"I'm sorry." Jimin stumbled to make his apologies.

"I'm leaving."

It wouldn't do to have the police called on him. If they figured out who he was, then his pack would be their first port of call.

He picked up his moped and pushed it onto the road, pausing and glancing back at the old man.

"I— I'm looking for a cub."

The man's expression turned from suspicion to understanding.

"Little leopard, was it?"

He nodded frantically. "Yes. Have you seen him? Where is he?"

The man regarded him thoughtfully, and Jimin reined in his impatience.

"He was stuck up my tree, poor devil. All day and all night. Local firefighter rescued him on his way home."

That explained the alpha scent around the tree.

"Where did he take him?"

If it was to a hospital, there was still a chance Jimin could get to him before Jiwoo did.

"He took him home with him, I think."

"Who did?"

"The firefighter."

Jimin thought he'd heard wrong.

"He took him home?"

Why would an alpha take an omega cub home with him?

The old man looked suddenly uncertain. "Well, maybe not to his home. He took the cub with him and drove off that way."

He pointed along the road. "He lives in the old packkeeper's house. Follow the road and take the right fork."

"It's about two miles away. You'll find it easily enough. If the leopard's not there, there's a sort of children's home further on."

"He might be with them."

"Thank you." Jimin wasn't sure what to make of all that, but he was one step closer to his son and two steps ahead of Jiwoo.

He started the moped and drove on, keeping his eyes peeled.

The fork in the road was right where the old man said it would be.

Jimin spotted the house in the distance through the trees and stopped the moped, climbing off.

It wasn't far.

He pushed the bike into the forest, hiding it behind some thick bushes just off the road.

Then he shifted. The less noise he made, and the more stealthily he moved, the better.

The trees thinned closer to the house. There was an adjoining barn, and he could hear noise coming from inside.

Chickens, maybe? He pushed his leopard instincts to one side, ignoring his hunger, and focused on Jungmin's scent. It was faint, but he'd definitely been there.

There was a scent trail leading into the house. Jungmin might still be inside.

Jimin couldn't hear anything; there were no sounds of anyone moving around within the house.

Too early, maybe?

He considered going inside but hesitated. There was an alpha in there. Jimin wouldn't be able to break in without being heard.

His best chance was to hide out and wait for an opportunity.

He could stay in the forest, but given how sparse the trees were close to the house, he'd be too far away to spot Jungmin if he was inside.

The barn caught his eye. There was a high window leading to the rafters below the roof.

As vantage points went, it was a good one. He'd be able to see the house from up close but could stay hidden up there, unseen by anyone else.

His mind made up, he raced to the barn and leaped up.

The chickens weren't too happy to see him, but once he settled on a beam and stilled, they stopped making such a fuss.

Jimin kept watch on the house, searching for any sign of his little boy and the alpha who'd taken him.

He needed to get Jungmin out of there, and quickly. As soon as he got the chance,he'd grab him and run.

They'd get on his moped and drive away.

The door to the house opened, and a tall, well-built guy walked out. Alpha, definitely.

He was too distracted searching for any sign of Jungmin to notice that the alpha was headed straight for the barn.

The door opened below him, and he froze, curled up tightly to stay out of sight. The alpha paused when he stepped inside.

Could he scent Jimin?

Did he know he was here?

But the alpha started moving across the floor of the barn, pausing now and then.

It took Jimin a long moment to work out what he might be doing. Was he collecting eggs?

It was such a bizarre idea that Jimin forgot himself and almost leaned over to get a closer look.

He pulled back just in time, forcing himself to keep still.

It wouldn't do to get caught now.

Not when he and Jungmin were so close to freedom.

When the alpha left, jimin went to the window and watched him head back inside the house, leaving the door open. He waited and waited, but the alpha didn't return. This was his chance.

He jumped down to the floor, scattering the chickens, most of whom ran out the open barn door. Shifting back, he crept out into the yard.

There were clothes hanging on a washing line, and he grabbed the first thing that came to hand, pulling it on over his head.

The back door was open and inviting, and there was no sign of the alpha.

He started toward it, only for the alpha to round the side of the house.

Jimin froze, looking from the alpha to the door. Could he get to Jungmin before the alpha got to him?

He raced for the door as the alpha ran toward him with a shout.

At the last second, realizing he'd never make it to Jungmin, he whirled around and tried to run away. In his haste, he tripped, crashing hard onto the ground.

He cried out in pain, yelping as his arm was grabbed. Instinct made him fight, flailing his arms and legs.

"Let me go. Let go."

The hands holding him flipped him over onto his back, the alpha looming over him.

The fear and adrenaline only heightened his exhaustion and pain.

"No, please," he sobbed out, even as his vision darkened.


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