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The scrape of the bolt across the door woke Jimin. He feigned sleep, keeping his eyes shut and not moving.

"Wake up, idiot."

At Kai's taunting tone, he forced his tired eyes open and sat up, wincing as pain lanced across his side.

Jiwoo had been back twice to question him over the days he'd been locked in there.

The alpha got angrier and angrier when Jimin refused to speak.

"Always causing trouble," the omega complained as he stepped into the room.

"It's not that hard, dummy. Keep your mouth shut and your legs open. Jiwoo didn't mate you for your intellect."

He slammed a tray down onto the floor next to the door.

"No food today Jiwoo's orders."

"They're out searching again."

"Be out there until dawn, by the looks of things. You could make it easy on yourself, tell us where you stashed the brat."

Jimin stared past Kai, fixing his gaze on the wall.

"Suit yourself. He's going to flay the skin off your back when he comes home."

"You won't be seeing daylight for a very long time."

The door slammed shut, the omega's footsteps fading into the distance.

Jimin eyed the cup of water on the tray.

He was desperately thirsty, and it would be a while before Kai bothered to bring more.

He winced as he stood up, his whole body protesting even that simple movement.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he slowly made his way across the basement to the tray.

With a groan of pain, he crouched down and reached for the cup. Grasping it in both hands, he took a long drink.

As he went to set the half-full cup down, he spotted something inside it that glinted in the dim light of the basement.

Confused, he stuck his fingers into the cup and pulled out a familiar key.

It was for the moped that Jiwoo sometimes let him or Kai ride into the nearby town when they needed supplies.

They never went alone,he always sent a Protector with them.

He stared at the key for a long moment, then regarded the door.

He hadn't heard the bolt slide back into place when Kai left.

Could it be...?

He grasped the door handle and pulled. The door swung open.

His heart started thumping, his adrenaline kicking in and dulling the pain.

Clasping the moped key tightly in his hand, he stared down the corridor for a long moment.

Was this a trick?

Would Jiwoo be waiting for him at the top of the stairs?

However it looked this wasn't Kai doing him a favor.

The other omega hated him.

What he wanted most was Jimin out of the way. Jungmin too.

Maybe he saw his chance to get that, if Jimin escaped for good or his attempts to run finally made Jiwoo furious enough to kill him.

It wouldn't matter much to Kai which one it was.

But it mattered to Jimin.

Creeping upstairs, he kept his ears and eyes peeled.

While most of the pack were out searching for Jungmin, there would be at least one alpha and a contingent of betas guarding the house and the pack territory.

Still,he had the cover of darkness on his side and, hopefully, the element of surprise.

He made it to the garage without being seen. The moped was ready and waiting by the door, with a full tank of gas.

Kai had been busy, He wanted Jimin as far away as possible and there was nothing Jimin desired more at that moment.

Knowing the sound of the engine would be like a red flag to a bull for the guards, he pushed the moped outside and along the tree line as he followed the driveway.

Only when he was through the gate and onto the public road did he climb on and start the engine.

With any luck, the guards close enough to hear would assume he was just passing traffic.

Seconds later, he was racing down the road, hoping against hope that Jungmin was safe.

He would find him and, this time, they'd outrun the pack for good.

* * *

Jimin didn't pay any attention to speed limits as he drove, grateful for the darkness of night hiding his movements. By the time the pack learned he was gone, there would be no way to track him.

It took a frustratingly long time to reach the spot where he'd left Jungmin.

Their frantic flight through the forest in the dark had been driven by instinct and the fear of being caught. Finding the same place by road wasn't easy.

He took half a dozen wrong turns before spotting a familiar tree near the bend of a river.

Afraid to abandon the moped, he pushed it along.

It was hard going getting the bike across the rough ground but he knew they'd need it if they were going to get clean away with the pack already on high alert.

His heart ached with relief when he found the place he'd last seen Jungmin. He called softly, hoping that the cub hadn't strayed far.

They were near a quiet country road and a farm. When there was no answer to his call, he tried to track Jungmin's scent.

It was tricky since so much time had passed. The scent trail was faint, but he caught it and followed.

It led straight to a tall tree right outside the farmhouse. Knowing how jungmin liked to climb, He stripped and shifted, scaling the tree in the hopes of finding him.

But though his scent was strong near the trunk and among the high branches, there was no sign of him and there was another scent, stronger than Jungmin's.

A scent that spiked fear through Jimin's heart. Alpha.

He hurried down, shifting back and throwing on his clothes.

He searched in vain for another scent trail to follow. Jungmin would never have gone with a stranger, especially an alpha.

Yet his scent didn't travel further than the tree, and the only other scent Jimin got was the alpha's.

Jungmin had vanished.


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