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Jimin woke with a start, his heart racing.

The nightmare faded quickly once his eyes were open but it wasn't quite enough to calm his fears.

He climbed out of bed, moving slowly, his body stiff and sore.

The ache in his ribs was bad but nothing compared to how it had been.

He padded to the door and out, in search of the one thing he knew would settle his worries at this late hour a glimpse of his son.

Knowing the cub was safe and sound always did the trick.

Jungkook had shown him the workshop that they'd been bedding down in at night but when jimin stole a look through the open door, he found the room empty.

Puzzled, he wandered the house, cautiously peering through every door.

He found a room he assumed was Jungkook's bedroom, but it was empty and looked like it hadn't been slept in for a while.

Finally, jimin wound up in the kitchen.

The back door was propped open, giving the only hint as to where his cub might have gone.

But why would Jungmin be out of bed in the middle of the night?

Where could Jungkook have taken him?

Confused and concerned, jimin shed his clothes and shifted, catching Jungmin's scent easily and following it outside.

The cool night air made him shiver, and he was once again glad for his thick coat of fur keeping him warm.

He tracked Jungmin's trail for a few feet, wondering how far away the cub might be, when he heard a familiar squeal.

Drawn by the sound, he hurried forward, not bothering to track Jungmin's scent when the sound of his voice carried so clearly on the air.

A second voice reached him, and Jimin slowed down. Jungkook.

The alpha didn't sound angry or tired, but Jimin was still too far away to make out the words.

He crept closer, not wanting to be caught listening in.

He couldn't deny that he was curious about Jungkook and the alpha's motivation for taking him and Jungmin in.

Why would a children's home leave an omega cub with a single alpha?

Surely they had other people there to care for the kids?

"Ready to go again?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin slipped under some bushes hoping to get a better look at what the two of them were doing. It was a swing, strung up between two trees.

The swing itself was like a basket and his son sat inside it, in his leopard form.

Jungkook gave it a push, sending it flying across the clearing, and Jungmin let out a shriek of excitement, crouching down as the swing rocked back and forth.

"Fun, huh?" Jungkook asked.

"I knew you'd like it. We'll chase all the nightmares away."

Jimin felt a pang of sadness at that. It explained why they were out in the woods in the middle of the night.

Jungmin must have had a night-mare and woken the alpha, who was doing his best to tire him out again.

"What do you think, Jimin?" the alpha asked suddenly.

"Do you want a go?"

Caught red-handed, jimin slinked out from under the bushes and padded toward the alpha, torn between fearfulness and sheepishness.

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