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Now that he understood better the origin of Jimin's fears, he knew that it wasn't enough for him to be the strong, silent alpha standing by.

Jimin wouldn't recover from trauma like that by pretending it never happened So he talked to Kira and Jin and they made some calls.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Jimin watched him anxiously across the breakfast table, having barely taken a bite of his food.

"Yes, I'm sure and so is Kira Jin says that San is one of the best omega therapists he's ever met."

"But therapy is expensive."

"And I don't have a job."

They'd talked this through already but Jungkook could see that Jimin needed the extra reassurance.

"Your job right now is to look after yourself and Minnie."

"And you're doing just fine."

"But that doesn't make money to pay for therapy."

"I've got it covered baby, You don't need to worry about it."

"San will be here in half an hour, I'll drop Minnie at the packhouse and hang around in case I'm needed."

He didn't think he would be but Jimin was still skittish and distrusting.

That San was an omega would make things easier but Jungkook knew that after Kai, Jimin's trust issues weren't restricted to alphas.

"I just hate causing so much fuss and bother."

At Jimin's words, Jungkook took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

There was no use getting frustrated.

Jimin's fears would lessen with time.

"That's not what this is."

"This is you doing what we agreed on. We work on ourselves, we work on Minnie and we work on our relationship But you have to start with yourself, Jimin."

"If you don't look after yourself, how can you care for Minnie and me?"

Since getting him home, he'd had to stop Jimin from running himself ragged trying to be the 'perfect' mate to atone for his perceived sins.

He had almost lost count of the number of times he'd woken in the night to find Jimin up cleaning or cooking.

Like he had that second night he'd taken to just picking him up, carrying him back to bed and holding him close.

"You should try to eat some more." he encouraged, watching Jimin mull over his words.

"Little eyes are watching."

And Jungmin was very attentive to all the goings-on these days.

If Jungkook or Jimin didn't eat, he wouldn't either.

They finished breakfast, did the dishes and then Jungkook dropped Jungmin over at the packhouse, returning just as San arrived.

"Good to meet you." he said, shaking the omega's hand.

"Jin spoke highly of you."

"Jim has sent plenty of troubled souls my way over the years, though I've only worked within a pack once before. If there's anything you think I should know, now is the time to tell me."

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm just glad you're here."

"I'm worried about jimin."

"He's been through a lot."

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