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Jungkook called Joon that morning to arrange their visit.

He decided to keep it short, since Jimin seemed so hesitant and was likely to tire quickly.

Jungmin was another matter entirely, and he wondered how the cub would cope with being back there again.

He hadn't seen much of the place on his first visit, too busy holding onto Jungkook for dear life.

"We'll head over there once we have finished breakfast," he told Jimin.

They weren't having oatmeal, but pancakes made out of oatmeal, which was an ingenious way of doing something different with the same ingredients.

Jimin's cooking continued to grow in Jungkook's estimation, and Jungmin wasn't the only one who cleared his plate.

"You're sure they won't mind us dropping in on them like this?"

Jimin asked him as they walked over. Jungkook had considered driving but decided the exercise might help Jimin work out some of his anxiety over the visit.

"They're expecting us. Besides, they like visitors."

Most of the time, anyway.

And they were particularly curious about Jimin, given the circumstances under which he had found Jungmin.

Jungkook knew Kira was keen to see the father and son interact.

He hadn't told them about Jimin's attempt to run with the cub.

In truth,he was afraid that they'd want to take drastic steps to prevent that from happening again until they were sure Jungmin was safe with Jimin.

Jungkook suspected that was likely to erode both Jungmin and Jimin's trust in them, which was fragile at best.

The house came into view, and Jimin made a little sound of surprise.


"It doesn't look how I expected."

Jungkook watched him bemusedly.

"What were you expecting?"

"Less like a big, old house and more like a... fortress."

Jungkook was puzzled by that but did his best to explain. "This was Joon's family home."

"It was originally a packhouse, One of the last packs in the county."

"Seems fitting that it's become a packhouse once more."

They went around to the front door, and he let them into the hall, making plenty of noise to warn the others they were there.

He heard footsteps coming their way and gave Jimin his most reassuring smile.

The nervous glance he got in return didn't do much to ease his concern.

Jin was the first to appear, a squirming cub in his arms.

"Good morning," he said.

"We've just finished breakfast."

"Some of the little ones decided throwing their food was preferable to eating it, so the clean up is taking a little longer than normal."

He smiled at them, his gaze landing on Jungmin who was in Jimin's arms, silent and wide eyed.

Jimin wasn't much better, from what Jungkook could see.

"Jin, this is Jimin, and you've already met Jungmin."

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