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his patrol was uneventful, but he hadn't gone far when he heard the sound of someone crashing through the trees.

On alert, he turned toward the approaching noise and waited to see who would emerge.

And it was coming from the direction of his house, not the packhouse.

Concerned, he started jogging through the woods toward it.

He was shocked a moment later when Jungmin burst through the trees and jumped into his arms.

He caught the cub, shocked to find him trembling, clearly terrified.

"Min? What's wrong? What's—"

Jimin ran through the trees a moment later, skidding to a stop.

He looked panicked and scared, in a way Jungkook hadn't seen since their first meeting.

"What's happened?" he asked, looking past them.

He half-expected to see someone chasing them though he couldn't hear any pursuers.

"Is there someone at the house?"

"Give Jungmin to me, please?"he begged, holding out his hands for the cub.

That only made Jungmin cling tighter to Jungkook, his claws digging in.

Jungkook ran a soothing hand through the leopard cub's fur.

"Jimin, what..."

"Please, give him to me. We can't stay here. We have to leave."

Jungkook didn't like the fear on the omega's face.

He tried to gently pry the cub from his chest, but Jungmin wouldn't budge.

"Tell me what's wrong, Jimin. Has something happened?"

Jimin, his hands outstretched, took a step closer to them.

"I heard you on the phone. You lied to us. It's not a children's home, it's a pack. You're pack. We can't stay here. Please, let me take him. Let us leave."

Jungkook's heart sank at Jimin's words. It was far from the first time he'd had that reaction to his pack status. But now he had a terrified cub and an equally terrified omega on his hands.

"Jimin, take a breath and think."

He watched and waited as the omega sucked in a few deep, shuddering breaths.

Only when he was sure Jimin was listening did he speak again.

"It's late, it's cold, and Jungmin is scared. What's your plan? Drag him out into the dark on foot, traipsing through the forest?"

"We can't stay," Jimin said with a sob.

"Look at him. Do you think running with Jungmin now is the best thing for him? Let's get him back to the house, calm him down, and talk this over."

"It's not what you think."

He saw Jimin hesitate, knew the omega was tempted to try to grab Jungmin and run. But he also knew the cub wasn't going to loosen his grip anytime soon.

"Please, Jiminie. Hear me out."

"For Jungmin's sake."

"Look at him, he's terrified."

He saw the moment his words got through to Jimin, the omega's eyes softening as he took in Jungmin's shivering form.


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