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Jimin sat in the pack kitchen with Tae trying to pretend he wasn't nervous about their visitors.

They'd brought one alpha back a few hours ago and only minutes before, another group of them had arrived.

They were in the nearby living room. He could make out raised voices breaking through now and then.

Jungkook and Joon had asked him to join them but he'd been too scared.

Now he wondered if he'd made a mistake.

It was him they were arguing over, of that he was certain.

Slowly, he pushed to his feet and made his way to the living room door.

It was open a crack and he peered through, listening to what was being said.

He recognized the man talking.

He was the alpha leader of the pack Jiwoo hunted with.


"I sent my alphas here to watch your movements."

"It seems they got a little carried away."

"For that, I apologize."

"But I'm sure you can see the problem."

"Why don't you explain it to us?" Joon said, his arms crossed.

"Here's what it comes down to." Derrick said.

"You stole jiwoo's omega and his son and when he brought his mate home again, you had his whole pack picked up by the military."

"That is a betrayal of all packs, It's not just us who sees it that way."

"Packs all across the country will be out for blood, your blood and that little stunt you just pulled with Lee won't do you any favors But all I'm interested in, here and now, is getting what belongs to Jiwoo returned to him."

"He'll get his pack out of Lee's tender care and then he'll deal with you himself."

"Until then, we're here to see to it he gets back what you stole."

The alpha sat back in his chair and regarded Joon and Jungkook coolly.

At that moment, Jimin saw red.

He wasn't Jiwoo's property, something to be bought and sold, bartered between packs.

He shoved the door open and stormed inside.

As he came to a stop right in front of the alpha, he aimed his most scornful look his way.

"You're an idiot if you believe that sob story Jiwoo told you. They didn't steal me. Jiwoo did. His pack abducted me on my way home from college, brought me to their pack and then fought over who got to have me. When I tried to run away, to get home to my family, they dragged me back over and over. he locked me up, beat me, starved me."

"When that wasn't enough to get me to follow all his ridiculous rules, he used my son—my baby—to make me."

Jungkook moved to stand behind him, a steadying presence at his back.

He was breathing hard, so angry he could hardly speak, and yet the words kept tumbling out all the same.

"Joon's pack didn't steal me and my son. They took us in when we finally escaped from Jiwoo with nothing but the clothes on our backs."

"They've kept us safe, cared for us, helped us recover from the terrible things that Jiwoo did to us. you are wrong. This pack.... They're not the bad guys in all this. You need to stop this, back the hell off and leave me and my true pack alone. Jiwoo and his horde aren't a pack, they're monsters. They're locked up where they belong, where they can't hurt any more omegas."

Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder and Jimin fell silent, letting the alpha tuck him close and guide him to sit.

"Is this true?" Derrick asked, straightening in his seat.

He looked skeptical.

"Jiwoo will be up on charges in military court soon."

"Abduction and unlawful imprisonment of omegas."

"In the plural."

"Some they took, had their fun with and dumped."

"Others, like Jimin, were held for years and forcibly incorporated into that mockery of a pack. There are quite a few children involved, but no evidence of proper pack bonds." Joon explained.

Jimin lifted his head, surprised at that information.


"They were all single births, Jiminie." Jungkook explained quietly.

"Just incidental pregnancies and not pack matings."

"The biggest tell was both you and kai having single cubs and not litters."

"If Jiwoo himself didn't have a true bond, none of the other alphas could."

Derrick sat forward. "Are you saying they're not a pack?"

"Not as far as we can tell." Jungkook said carefully.

"Does Lee know?"

"...not yet."

A slow grin crossed Derrick's face. "Well, that'll be a nice surprise for him."

"Pity about Jiwoo."

"He was always a little nuts but he had big aspirations."

"I thought he might come in useful someday." His eyes strayed to Jimin.

"I did wonder about the omegas."

"That whole subservience thing, it's not really fitting for a pack."

"Too much like a cult."

"Jiwoo is enigmatic enough to carry off a cult." Joon agreed.

Derrick stood. "I'll think over what you've told me and pass the relevant information on to the other packs."

"You haven't won any friends among them but there wasn't much love lost where Jiwoo is concerned, so you won't have made many enemies either."

"Then all that, just now," Jungkook said. "That was what? Grandstanding?"

Derrick fixed him with a cold stare. "Packs in this country have it hard enough without turning on each other But it seems I wasn't in possession of all the facts."

"Now I am, I'll be in touch."

He nodded to them, gave Jimin one last searching look and headed for the door.

"What just happened?" Jimin asked a little at a loss to work out the sudden sea change in the other alpha's attitude.

"He wasn't riding to Jiwoo's defense because he likes the guy." hobi summarized.

"But because he felt honor-bound to defend him as a fellow pack leader."

"Now he knows he's really a criminal and a bastard,Not the kind of person people normally feel bound to by honor."

"Does that mean it's over?"

"I like to think that's exactly what it means." Joon said from the doorway.

"But let's wait to hear what he says once he's had some time to mull it over."

"I think he liked us." hobi joked. "Underneath it all."

"I feel like he hadn't quite made up his mind." Jin replied.

"Maybe we could send a fruit basket?"

"I'll bake muffins," Jimin offered. "Chocolate chip."

"Make them oat bran." Jungkook said darkly.

"Chocolate is too good for them."

Jimin leaned against his alpha,relaxing as he breathed in his scent and feeling his alpha relax in turn.

"But not for you."

"I'll bake them for you."


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