.A.B. - Walk in the woods

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July 20th - 19:30 PM [7:30 PM]

It was a humid night and most of the kids at Hackett's Quarry summer camp we're outside of their cabins. Running around, playing on the swing with their friends.

(Y/N) and Abigail had other ideas. They decided to take a walk around the woods, peace and quiet. They held hands, (Y/N) taking the first move of their "friendship". (Y/N) and Abigail both liked each other, it was obvious on Abi's part since every time someone would tease her about (Y/N), her face would be like a tomato.

"Do you wanna go further?" Abi looks at them, "No, let's just stay here." They said, sitting down on a nearby log. Abigail sat down next to them, while grabbing her mini backpack. She took out her notebook where she sketches, "The view is amazing..." She admires the sunset, the pink, and purple sky. Abigail starts sketching out the sky, and a mini (Y/N) sitting on a log.

(Y/N) looks over to see what Abigail was drawing, "wow, that's so beautiful Abi. Who's the person on the log?" They ask her, "It's you, and thank you, I try my best." She smiles and continues on her work.

(Y/N) puts their head on Abigail's shoulder, looking at what she was drawing, "You should add you there also," They suggest, "Really?" She asks, they nod in agreement.

It was a few minutes later that Abi was done with her drawing, "look," she shows (Y/N) her drawing, "it's so amazing, I mostly love us in the drawing." They said, Abigail smiles, and blushes. "Thank you (Y/N)."

They both continue sitting there, enjoying each others company. Abigail turns her head, looking at (Y/N)'s amazing (E/C) eyes, admiring the color of them, she could get lost in those forever. "Whatcha lookin' at?" They notice Abi looking at them, she shakes her head slightly, "nothing... nothing," Abi holds (Y/N)'s hand, and they smile, "I wish we can stay here forever," Abigail says.

(Y/N) and Abigail we're both waiting for something to happen between them, but nothing, until they decide to get up to go back to their cabin's. "Abi..." Abigail looks at (Y/N) while getting up, (Y/N) grabs Abi's arm gently and pulls her in for a kiss.

A soft, and long kiss it was. They kept going until Dylan went on the announcement, "Hey kids! Time to get into your cabins, I know... it sucks. You wanna see your crush before you go but sorry not a chance! Anyways goodnight guys." Abigail and (Y/N) look at each other, both we're blushing like crazy. (Y/N) got up and grabs Abi's hand, "let's do that again," They suggest.

Abi and (Y/N) both went to their cabins, and obviously got teased alot.

The other counselors congrats them just for the boldness they both had to do that.

A/N: Hello! sorry this is super short but I kinda like it, and obviously Abi is bae fr, ugh I love her and Ariel winters!

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