.L.K. - Enemies to Lovers

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JULY 15 - Sometime that day

You despised Laura, with her right answers, and her always being perfect.

She probably feels the same about you, always glaring at you, side eyeing your every move to blame you for something. You were tired of it, so you wanted to confront her, face to face, alone.

You walk into the lodge, seeing Laura and Kaitlyn laughing, and talking, "Laura-" She turns around looking at you with a blank face, "what?" you motion your hand to come with you, she surprisingly walks with you.

You two went under the lodge, "what," she looks at you with a tint in her eye, "I'm tired of you being rude to be for no reason, like I haven't done anything to you or anyone else, in any different way, but your so perfect with your perfect answers-" you wanted to say more but you were cut off.

Laura had kissed you, you push her off, "What are you doing?!" you look at her, "I've been wanting to do that, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I've liked you for a long time, actually-" You were shocked, confused, had your enemy like you for the whole time? you didn't know what to say, but you walked away. No way she liked you, she was just tricking you.


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