.M.B. - Comfort me

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[(y/n) will be a female for this and y'all are dating]
August 15 - 8:30 AM

You started, you hated your period. Especially when you had horrible cramps, you we're still in bed, you didn't feel like getting up even though you had to.

"Sweetie?" You heard max outside your door, you groaned and got up. Basically dragging yourself to the door. You open the door, "yes?" Max looks at you concerned, "are you okay?" "No, it's the time of the month, of course i wouldn't be okay." You said in monotone.

Max got worried and left to go get you anything that would be comfortable for you. When your on your period, Max always finds a way to comfort you, heating pad, chocolate, or any type if fast food that you crave.

Max rush in your cabin, "I got you breakfast in bed," He smiles, he probably feels like the best boyfriend ever. "Mmm, thank you baby," You said, you started eating the breakfast Max gave you. Honestly, you easily get mad when your on your period and Max gets scared from that :).

You and Max we're laying in your small ass bed. He was trying to comfort you in a way, he asked Mr. H if you can have a day off, he said I guess since Abi would take your work for you.

"You know, there's 8 more days until we leave," You said, "Don't remind me," He kisses you cheek, you smile, "I can't wait to go home," You said, "What about me." Max looks at you, "I'll miss you of course."

You both fell asleep, and it was awkward because sometimes campers would come in and see you guys, but y'all we're un bother. :)

A/N: Hello! sorry it is so short, i haven't been motivated to write this! But please send requests!!!

{ wc. 313 }

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