.R.E. - Birthday

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You were woken up by a kiss on the cheek, you turn to see your boyfriend, ryan, "happy birthday n/n," you smile, "thank you babe," He hands you a mcdonalds bag, with pancakes, and basically almost everything on the menu, "Wow, this is a lot of breakfast food, did you get the whole menu?" You were sitting up, and looking at him, "Yeah, hope you like it," He smiles, you shake your head while smiling, "I'm sharing with you, cause I'll feel bad," You handed him a breakfast sandwich of his liking, "thanks."

The day was great, ryan giving you affection from left to right. "I'm so fulll~" He says, "Well- you shouldn't of gave me the whole menu at mcdonalds," You look at him, his head was on your lap and you played with his hair from time to time, "but I wanted you to feel special since I work all the time with school," He says, you smile, "I always feel special when I'm with you ryan," you kiss his head and he kisses your hand, "I love you," He says, while closing his eyes, "I love you too."

You heard a knock on the door, you slightly got up and move ryans head to the pillow. You open the door seeing Dylan, Abi, Emma, Nick, Jacob, Kaitlyn, Max, and Laura, "Oh my god! Hi guys!" You said, "Happy birthday y/n!" They all say in unison, Ryan wakes up from the couch and quickly gets up, "oh yeah, I forgot- they're here."

This was the best birthday party you had in a while, y'all had a dance party, karaoke, cake and icecream, maybe a little drinking, spin the bottle- yes, literally in your twenties. Everyone basically spent the night, and you and dylan had a twerking competition🤦‍♀️.

You and Ryan were both in the shower, getting ready for bed, "So? did you like it?" He says, he was behind you, washing your back since yo short ass arms can't get it, "Yeah, it's been wonderful, thank you ryan," You kiss his cheek, he smiles, "always happy to please," [one of his best lines]

Everyone was passed out in the living room, well except for Dylan and Kaitlyn, they sleeping in the guest room cause they cool like that. You and Ryan we're laying in bed, cuddling, maybe kissing sometimes, "Happy birthday y/n y/n," He kisses your head, "your still calling me that?" You remember that nickname from camp, during the whole werewolf thing, "yes, deal with it."

A/N: HEY!! I actually love this one sm! ugh I wanna see justice smith girl he's just so dreamy🤭

{ wc. 454 }

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