.R.E. - Insecure

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[you ans ryan are dating in this!]
June 12 - 13:00 PM [1:00 PM]

Today was a break for the counselors, so they all decided to go to the pool.

As much as you didn't want to go, your friends made you go. So you, and Kaitlyn we're sitting at the edge of the pool, just putting your feet in the water.

You still had your towel on, you weren't confident to show your body to people you only knew for a few weeks.

"Hey (Y/N)," You look up seeing Ryan, you wave with a little smile then you go back to looking at your feet in the water. "You alright?" He asks you, you nod, "I just need to go to the pool house real quick," You got up and walk towards the pool house and closes the door.

Your eye start watering, throat starting to hurt. You felt in embarrassed, you hated that your body looks like what it is, you never wanted to come here but Kaitlyn made you come.

You heard a knock on the door, "yeah?" you sniffle and walk towards to door, cracking it so they don't see you, "(Y/N) are you okay?" Ryan lightly pushes the door open then closes it when he comes in, "why are you crying?" "My body, I hate it, it's so ugly." Ryan looks at you in confusion, "(Y/N) your body looks amazing, I love your body." Ryan hugs you and wipes your tears, Ryan sometimes doesn't know how to comfort people, but he tries his best when it comes to you.

"Do you want to go back to the lodge and chill out there for a bit?" Ryan looks at you, you nod. "Let me go get my stuff, wait here." He kisses your temple and leaves the pool house.

It was a quiet walk to the lodge. Before you left, Kaitlyn was asking questions on why you we're leaving. Ryan explained privately and she understood.

You both got changed into comfortable clothes, you sat down on the couch covering up with a blanket waiting for Ryan.

You both ended up watching a movie and falling asleep.

A/N: sorry it sucks!! My datas been not working so i haven't been having good ideas! I've been writing a Jacob imagine, and might write a max one!

{397 words}

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