.E.M. - Sexuality

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[Y/n will be a female for this]
JULY 20 - 13:30 PM [1:30 PM]

Me and Jacob have been patchy, he's wanting to now keep our relationship open, but the start of our fling, we both agreed to keep it private.

We been back and forth with this all morning, I want to ignore him, but it's hard, I do have some type of feelings for him, but my friend, y/n, she has been comforting each day, trying to calm me down.

I think I have feelings for my best friend.

I mean, I'm not sure about my sexuality. I know that y/n is [pan, les, bi] but for me? I have no clue.


It was time for dinner and I was nervous to see her; I think I do like her, I mean I've been thinking about it all day. I walk into the lodge seeing y/n sitting with Nick, and Dylan; maybe she likes Nick; I mean he's cute, but I don't want to assume.

I should tell Jacob it's off, I do like her. I can't stand seeing her with one of the boys looking at her in the wrong way; she's so beautiful; the way her eyes glisten in the sun, her smile is so cute, I just can't get ahold of her.

I walk over to Jacob, "Hey, can I talk to you for moment," he nods and gets up looking at Nick.

"What did you want to talk about?" He smiles knowingly, but little does he know it's about to crush him. "I like y/n, and I don't know where this leaves us but I think we should just be friends." Jacob eyes widen, "wait, really? You like her?" I nod, his facal expression turns into a blank stare, I can tell he was trying to pretend to not be hurt, "well, I'm happy for you guys if you two do get together, I'll see you later," Jacob walks out of the lodge.

I felt bad but I need to tell y/n.


I walk over to Y/n and grab her hand, "woah there Emma! Calm down," I take her to a room upstairs. 

"Is everything alright?" She asks, I stand there awkwardly, trying to keep my composer; "I like you, a lot y/n." She smiles, "really?" I nod, "well that means I can finally do this." She grabs my face, cupping it, she looks into my eyes and goes in for a kiss. I was taken back but I was finally with the girl I love.

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