.N.F. - Kiss Me

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(TW! drugs)
June 23 - 23:48 PM (11:48 PM)
The noises of snoring kept (Y/N) awake. The thoughts of Nick filled their mind, they tried not thinking of him to much, knowing that they would continue later on. they climbed down the ladder of the bunk bed Them and Abigail share, they pull up their bed grabbing a little plastic bag of weed.

They know they would get in trouble if they get caught but it calms them, makes them tired. They quietly walk out of their cabin and walk over to the campfire area.

They sat in the tent while smoking the blunt they rolled. They start hearing footsteps come closer to the tent, they quickly put out the blunt and hid it in their shorts. "(Y/N)?" They heard Nick outside of the tent, they rolled their eyes and open the tent, "yes?" A whoosh of smell of weed blew in Nick's face. Nick plug his nose, "We're you smoking?" He looks at them, They nod and move out of the way, "come on, get in... your gonna have to deal with the smell."

He sat inside the tent, looking at them. "You know, your probably gonna get contact high," He shrugs and looks up and down at their body, how sexy it looks with the moon light cascading on them. "Hey, what are you looking at?" They ask him, "you." He says, they roll their eyes, knowing it's just nick being nick. (Y/N) and Nick both known each for awhile, before going here for a summer job. They flirt sometimes and tease each other, maybe sometimes get jealous. But they're just friends, they keep saying that, knowing it's not true.

(Y/N) pulls out the blunt from earlier, and relights it, they hit it a few times then passing it to nick but he declines.

They blow smoke into Nick's face, making him cough because he breathed in some smoke. "stop doing that (Y/N)," "or what?" They ask him, knowing he would do something.

He grabs (Y/N)'s arm gently and pulls them on top of him, "kiss me."

June 24 - 7:30 AM
(Y/N) walks towards the lodge, knowing that they're obviously late and no-one is gonna be there, except Nick.

(Y/N) walks in, going into the kitchen, "Hey sleepyhead." Nick looks at them, smiling, "Hey Nicky, can you make me some eggs please?" They look at him, and he obviously agrees because they "besties" or whatever. They sit on the counter, watching nick cook some scrambled eggs for them.

Admiring nick and his black hair in the sunlight, they had a crush on nick but didn't say anything to nobody. So while they we're in high school, they would get jealous over his s/o's, watching him and his s/o being lovely dovey.

"(Y/N)? are you alright?" Nick looks at his best friend with concern. They look at Nick, "Yeah, sorry... I zoned out," He nods and places the plate of eggs next to them, "here you go." They thank him and eats quickly, "So, about last night..." He looks at them, "Yeah? what about it?" They ask, He wanted to kiss those soft lips again, "I like you (Y/N), I just can't hide it anymore, that kiss wasn't a mistake, I want it to happen aga-" He was cut off by (Y/N)'s lips. He felt their hands on his neck and their legs around his waist, he places his hands on their waist.

Literally having a make-out session in the kitchen, I mean, yeah... Totally normal. They kept going until they heard a noise coming from the entrance of the lodge, "Oh wow~" A Dylan can be heard and with a Ryan along with him, "in the kitchen too? c'mon guys." Ryan shakes his head and Nick and (Y/N) both got off of each other, "We we're hugging," Nick said, "Boy, your actually stupid if you think their gonna believe that," (Y/N) said.

"We we're just gonna ask for seconds, but ya'll made me disgusted." Dylan shakes his head and him and ryan both leave.

"I like you too Nick," (Y/N) said and Nick smiles and hugs them, "finally."

A/N: had to add Dylan and Ryan in there somewhere.

{729 words}

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