.D.L. - Reunited

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[ Idea from lovedandlostthem ]
AUGUST 23 - 2:30 AM

You and Emma we're hiding in the van you we're supposed to leave with earlier today. "It's so small in here," You complained, "shut up y/n, I hear something," you roll your eyes, but then you heard a voice, maybe two?

"Gimmie the air freshener," Emma holds out her hand behind her, You grab an air freshener from the backseats, "here," while handing it to her, you notice the voices sound familiar. "Wait emma, I don't think that's-" She opens the door and sprays it in someones face.

Emma and some person both screamed at the same time, so you couldn't recognize who it was. "She maced me! She maced me!" You quickly realized it was Dylan, then you saw Kaitlyn and Abi. "It's us!" Kaitlyn says to emma and you. "It burns!" "oh shit- I'm so so sorry dylan," "Dylan! it's not mace! It's air freshener." Kailtyn looks at him like he's stupid or something, "Oh..." you chuckle, making him look behind emma, "Y/n!" He smiles and you got out of the car, and ran towards him, hugging him tightly.

You saw Abi walk towards you, hugs you. "I missed you girl," You said to Abi, "You too kaitlyn," She smiles.

When you pulled away from Abi and look at Dylan again, "Wait...? Dylan! oh my god, your hand!" You look at him and lightly grabbing his arm, "What happened?" He looks at you, "well... uh, my hand got chopped off because of a thing that got on to the roof of the ratio hut."

Dylan and Kaitlyn went to the scrapyard and you stayed with Emma and Abi.

AUGUST 23 - 7:30 AM

Everyone was alive, and safe, you we're glad that you had Dylan beside you again. But you wanted some one-on-one time with him, so you grabbed his hand and took him to a distance area away from everyone.

"Are you okay?" He looks at you, "I am, with you here." You said, he smiles and puts his head on your shoulder, "I'll miss you y/n," Dylan looks up at you, "I'll miss you too, He pulls you in and kisses you.

It was a sweet, long kiss. You made so many memories after these two months, "Also, can I... like, have your number, yk for me to text you everyday." You smile and gave him your number. You went back to comforting each other after tonight.

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