.J.C. - Comfort

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[Request by lovedandlostthem ]
[You guys like each other, but don't know]
August 22 - 20:15 PM [8:15 PM]

The counselors at Hackett's Quarry summer camp we're stuck one more night. They decided to go by the campfire and play little party games.

"Okay! New idea! Party game!" Dylan says while clapping his hands together, Ryan and Jacob both groaned in annoyance, "C'mon people, we might never see each other after tonight! Let's make some memories."

"Well, what do you have in mind?" You ask, "How about the ultimate game of secrets and lies... Truth or dare, but Dylan style! Ok house rules are... someone ask you truth or dare, then you chose, then you do. And there's no ifs, or ands or buts." He says, "So basically, normal truth or dare." Kaitlyn looks at him, "Yes."

It was now Kaitlyn's turn to ask, "Emma," "dare." She smiles, "I dare you to kiss either Jacob or ... Nick," Jacob starts bragging to Nick about how this is an obvious choice but Emma chose Nick, surprisingly.

You look at Jacob, he looks suprised, hurt, trying to figure out why Emma would do this, especially after the summer they had together.

Emma went on Nick's lap, and starts full on making out with him, You look at Abi, poor Abi, her bestfriend is making out with her crush. "Guys," Jacob looks at the two, still kissing, "Guys, stop!"

Emma pulls off of Nick and walks over to Abi, "He's good," She says, Abi ran into the woods and Jacob got up, "You like kissing my girlfriend asshole?" Nick shrugs, "it was just a game," He looks up at Jacob, "Hey, I am nobody's girlfriend." "Emma, your not helping, at all." You look at Emma, she rolls her eyes, "Yeah, okay."

"The fuck it was, "it was just a game" yeah! the fuck it was man!" Jacob runs into the woods. You run after him, "Jacob?!"

You find Jacob by the lake, "Jacob!" He turns around, "(Y/N), are you okay?" Your out of breath from running, trying to catch up with Jacob. "Yeah, okay... But more importantly, What about you?" He slightly smiles, "I'm not doing great... I mean, she kissed him right in front of me! Like after our "fling" It just doesn't matter to her anymore," His eyes start watering, You hug him, tightly. You disliked Emma, from the start, you didn't know why, just something about her, you didn't like. "It's gonna be okay, you have me, like your bestfriend besides Kaitlyn." You smile, trying to cheer him up, in a way. "Yeah, well, I'm glad to have you (Y/N), but um... Do you like- wanna swim in this lake with me?" You look at him, "it's freezing Jake-" He shrugs, "Welp more fun for me, then."

"Alright, fine." You start taking off your shirt and pants/shorts. "Ok! (Y/N), on a count of 3, we dive in." You nod and admire his abs, you weren't really trying to look, I mean it was hard not to.

You both ran and jump, making a big splash. "(Y/N)?" Jacob says, you swam back to the top, "I'm here, don't worry." Jacob smiles.

The air was full of laughter and splashes of the water, You and Jacob we're having fun, no people around, no worrying about your ex summer fling. Just you and Jacob. Alone. "Hey Jacob," "yeah?" He looks at you, "I like you." His eyes widen, "Your joking right?" You started to felt embarrassed, Maybe he didn't like you? He was gonna leave and never talk to you. You kept overthinking the whole situation, until you felt a pair of lips on yours.

You and your childhood bestfriend, we're kissing, in a lake, at summer camp. You felt butterflies in your stomach, you pull away, "I like you too, (Y/N), alot."

A/N: Finally, I finished this imagine!! Sorry if it's not what you wanted but yeah. Anyways Check out my new book "just the two of us." yk a nick furcillo book😁👍.

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