.K.K. - Cheesecake

739 18 3

[Request by selinawritez ]
August 2 - 20:30 PM [8:30 PM]

It's been a month since you've been at Hackett's Quarry summer camp. You made so many friends, especially with your coworker, Kaitlyn Ka. You've liked her for some time now and you think it's time to tell her.

It was around night time, and you and your other 7 coworkers are in the lodge playing some games, and playing some music, by DJ Dylan of course.

"Ok, ok... I think it's time to dial it down, and watch some movies," Dylan says, You all agreed, But you and Nick went into the kitchen.

"So what should I make her?" You ask Nick, he shrugs, "Should I ask Jacob?" You nod and push him out, "Now go!" you rushed him, "Ow!- ok fine, jeez." Nick walks into the "livingroom" of the lodge, "Hey jake, uh, y/n needs you for something."

You, Nick, and Jacob all we're in the kitchen. "So, I have a question." You look at Jacob, "What is Kaitlyn's favorite cake?" "Ooo~ do you have a crush on kaitlyn?" He looks at you, "Yes, but what's her favorite cake?" "Cheesecake, she had it on her 8th birthday party." You shoo Nick and Jacob out of the kitchen so you could do your thing.

You started making the cheesecake, and everyone starts asking questions about what you were, Nick and Jacob gave them excuses.

One by one everyone went to there cabins. You started getting worried that Kaitlyn already left but you heard a knock on the door, "yeah?" Kaitlyn came in, "Hey, where we're you? I thought you wanted to see the movie?" You look back at the fridge, "I was doing something... for you," She smiles, "for me?" You nod, "It should be done by now."

You open the fridge up to see a well-balanced cheesecake, [you a baker like that lol] "did you really make a cake for me? especially my favorite," She beams. You take the cake out and laid it on the counter, "But, I wanted to tell you something," you look at her, "I like you, a lot." She smiles, "I know, it was pretty obvious, but I like you too," you both kiss, it was a sweet but short one. You both ate some of the cake, even though Kaitlyn didn't want to share the cake with anyone else including Jacob.

A/N: Thank you sm for the 3 hundred reads!! ilysm <3 Have a great day/night !!

{ wc. 422 }

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