Chapter twenty

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"Hey Love, what's up with that blanket you bought down?" Buck called out from the kitchen area, as I sat on our couch, carving away at a block of wood. 

"Hm? Oh, you don't want to bloody know."

Buck peeked around the corner and raised an eyebrow, before walking around with a bowl of eggs and dried newts. He placed it down on the couch, which was, in reality, a piece of stone that was carved into the shape of a couch, and picked up the blanket that was draped over the back. He took a whiff of it and raised an eyebrow, looking over at me in confusion.

"Sid's grandma gave it to me, it's made out of the pelts of her ex husbands," I explained, laughing a bit as the expression on Buck's face changed to one of slight disgust and horror. 

"And you took it, why?"

"I didn't get a choice. She calls it the 'baby maker.' Apparently it's supposed to help with fertility? I don't know, I didn't ask too many questions considering."

"She does know that we live in a nearly perfect climate, yeah?"

"She's a decrepit, possibly sociopathic lady who literally turned the skin of her ex husbands into a blanket, I didn't get into explaining our living situation to her," I explained, looking up at him as he was examining the blanket.

"I mean, it's not too bad quality wise. A little dusty, but we could probably hang it up somewhere," He pondered, picking a 

"You want to keep it?!"

"I mean, it was a gift. And who knows what the old bag would say if we just give it back. She'd probably add us to the blanket," He joked, folding it before putting it on the back of the couch. I smiled and rolled my eyes slightly, grabbing Buck's arm and tugging it to pull him onto the sofa. Not expecting the sudden pull, he fell on top of me and I giggled slightly as he nuzzled into me slightly, wrapping himself around me. 

"Bucky!" I laughed as Buck kissed along my body warmly, over dramatizing the sounds he'd make each time he planted a kiss. 

"You bought this on yourself, Sky!" He joked, squeezing me tightly. "The power of the baby maker, it's too much!"

I laughed and he eventually settled down, the top of his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck and my arms wrapped around him.  

"Hey Love, did you wanna go to the watering hole today? I wanted to thank Barry for helping you put this beautiful home together."

"Yeah, I could do with a drink or two," Buck pondered, uncurling himself and hopping to his feet. I followed suit and we grabbed our stuff and we walked out the main door. 

Ava was perched on a branch just above us, scratching under her wing nonchalantly. I whistled to her, and her eyes lit up and she glided down to me, nuzzling me with her beak.

"Aww, Ava. So you want to go for a fly? Do you?" I cooed, scratching the back of her head.

"It's not too far from here, but I'm sure she'll enjoy a nice dip in the water, won't you girl?" Buck smiled, watching as I climbed onto her back, taking my outstretched paw and jumping on behind me.

He was right, the watering hole wasn't that fair away, and looked absolutely beautiful, thankfully untouched by the earthquakes, it looked like a little spot of paradise within a paradise. Other mammals of all species gathered around, playing games and sitting by the water with a coconut in their paws. I landed Ava beside the water, taking off her bridle and hanging it up on a low hanging branch nearby. She made an instant dash for the water, making a splash as she squawked happily and thrashed in the water. I glanced at Buck and squeezed his hand, and he gave me a reassuring smile as he led me down to the bar. Behind the bar sat a beaver, mixing drinks and conversing with a pair of Aardvarks sitting at the bar. Buck and I wandered over and sat on the other end of the bar, and I turned to Buck. 

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