Chapter two

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When I woke up I was still on Manny's head, and we were in pitch dark. I shot up and stared at the surrounding in fear, scared that I had been kidnapped. 

"Sky! You're awake, we're going to find Sid," Ellie exclaimed, picking me up with her trunk and setting me on her back. I yawned and stretched my muscles, my bones cracking. 

"So, what'd I miss?" I asked, leaning back to look at Manny. 

"Well, Sid got kidnapped by an angry dinosaur, we discussed that if the baby was coming Ellie would yell 'peaches' and that's about it," Manny recounted, staring around him as if something was going to jump out and eat him. Which, for his defense, was likely to happen. 

We kept walking before the tunnel opened up in front of us, a huge stretch of jungle as far as the eye could see revealing itself to us. My eyes widened and I slid down off Ellie to her trunks, getting as close to the scenery as I could. Something about it all seemed familiar, pleasant in a peculiar way.

"Are you guys having the same dream I am?" I whispered, moving some fur out of my eyes to see better.

"We've been living on top of an entire world, and we didn't even know it!" Ellie breathed, walking closer to the edge of the cliff that overlooked it all. From behind us I heard something move, and I looked around to see a massive, spiky dinosaur glaring at us.

"Guys! We have company!" I yelled, pointing at the creature. Its tail came crashing down beside Manny before shrieking at us, sending a shiver down my spine. 

"Run for it! Hurry!" Ellie yelled, following Manny as the creature pursued us. Crash and Eddie fell off Ellie's back and played dead almost instantly, catching the attention of the sharp-toothed reptile. Just as its tail was about to come down and squash them both into possum pancakes, Diego came out of nowhere and scooped them up in his mouth, almost falling off the cliff in the process.

"Diego? What are you doing here?" I asked, helping Crash and Eddie back up onto Ellie. 

"Sight seeing," He replied, sarcastically. The creatures tail came down beside him and he jumped out of the way, still running. "Looking for Sid, same as you."

"Well aren't you noble," Manny scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"This is not the time guys, we need all the help we can get!" Ellie exclaimed, turning a corner. 

"Can you boys put your petty, drama seeking behavior away for one minute and act like adults?" I added, crossing my arms and giving the two of them dirty looks. The dinosaur bumped into the side of the wall and sent a heap of rocks tumbling to the ground, so we were trapped between a rock and a hard place. It pushed past them and Diego roared at it, earning a much louder and intimidating roar from the dinosaur. 

Diego leaped back in terror and uttered a small "Never-mind," Before we realized that the dinosaur had gotten its tail stuck in between some rock pillars. I looked over to see a massive dinosaur with a long neck eating plants beside us, and I jumped over to a bunch of leaves and waved them to catch its attention.

"Hey hon, have some plants! Come on, over here!" I exclaimed, waving it in its face before it took a hold of them and bowed its head down. "Climb on!" I added, looking towards the others. Ellie jumped at the opportunity to get away and started running towards

"Are you nuts? We're not getting on that thing!" Manny exclaimed, furrowing his brow.

"It's either this dinosaur, or that one!" Ellie exclaimed, pointing at the dinosaur who had just broken its tail free. "Pregnant lady, wants to live! Yabba dabba doo!" Ellie exclaimed, sliding down the back of the much tamer dinosaur.

Manny and Diego followed suit and I got on after them, doing a graceful back-flip before landing daintily on my feet. Blowing my fur out of my eyes, I moved to the side as Manny and Diego fell beside me.

"Don't ever yabba dabba do that again," Manny groaned, getting onto his feet.

"Aw, can Manny not handle his pregnant wife being cooler than him?" I cooed, leaning against Ellie with a smirk on my face. Manny went to retaliate but held his tongue as he saw the amount of dinosaurs that were surrounding us. Dino's of all different shapes and sizes stared at us, ready to attack our fur covered selves. 

"I feel so puny," Manny shrunk slightly as he stared up at the colossal beasts.

"How do you think we feel?" Eddie asked, holding onto me. A horn like sound played from up in the treetops and I stared up, confused as to what was making the weird noise. It was another weasel! I ran forwards to see the other weasel better and I caught its eye, the figure smiling at me before jumping onto a vine and making sort of war like cries before the vine snapped and sent them flying away into the flora. 


The dinosaurs resumed approaching us and growled again before the weasel jumped out o the brush covered in grenade-like berries. "Ah Ha!" They exclaimed, pelting the berries at each of the dinosaurs. They all exploded into gas that made the dinosaurs cringe at the smell.

"Take cover!" They yelled, pulling off the stem of one and grabbing onto me before throwing the berry onto the ground.

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