Chapter seventeen

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(We're going to forget that the Herd is literally across the sea on an island and instead pretend that they've moved a little further away than they were in Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Like, a beach.)

It had been a week since we'd lost them. I'd spent the entire time crying, huddled up as far away from everything as I possibly could. I felt as if it were my fault. I did this, I'd lost our kits. 

Buck tried to cheer me up, but it was in vain. He was cut too, deeply, but he didn't blame me for it. He blamed himself for not protecting me, for not being next to me every moment during that fight. Our relationship was weak, we hardly spoke to each other, other than when I got up for food or water. We still loved each other, but we needed a break. 

"Buck, I-I'm going up to visit the herd. I can't be stuck down here while I'm like this, I need to talk to Ellie, I need to get this off my chest," I sighed, picking myself up from my spot beside the fire, dragging my knife along with me. 

"But love, what if you can't make it back?"

"I'll be fine, I just. I just need some space, to deal with this. I'll be back in a week or so, I promise." I sighed, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek goodbye. He sighed softly and nodded, getting up slowly to give me a hug. 

"I love you, hun. Nothing will ever change that, even this," I whispered, kissing him again on the nose. 

"I love you too, Sky. Now, go before Ava decides she wants to come too," Buck chuckled, weakly waving me goodbye. I smiled at him softly before scurrying off to the closest exit from the dino world, at least that I new of. The ice in the tunnels leading to the surface froze my paws, sending shivers down my spine. The memory of the freezing cold against my coat and unprotected paws was a distant memory that rushed back to me as soon as I stepped foot on the ice. It was all cracked, destroyed. I had to jump and maneuver my way around to avoid slipping into the abyss below.

Finally, the exit showed itself and I jumped out, skidding on the snow as I tried to stop myself from falling once-more. There was no sign of the herd, all there was were broken trees and pushed up land. I frowned and walked around, searching for were they might have gone. There was nothing. I wandered around for a while, considering that I may as well just set up camp and stay alone for a week, before I was pounced on by two, memorably smelly, possums.

"Sky! I thought you were dead!" 

"Me too!" 

I chuckled at Crash and Eddie before pushing them off me into a sitting down sort of hug. "Hey guys, I missed you too," I weakly laughed, before pulling away from them.

"Where's Buck?"

"He's back...down there. Don't worry, he's fine."

Eddie got up and started dragging me, Crash copying him. "Hey! Where are you guys taking me?"

"To the others! They'd love to see you!"

Everyone was sitting around a beautiful, tropical bungalo in the middle of the forest. All the snow had melted in that small area, leaving a beautiful, resort-like home away from home. If home had little gerbil things that served you drinks from coconuts, that is. I smiled softly as I walked up to the group, only catching who I guessed to be Peaches attention.

"Hey Dad? There's a weasel person over there that looks like what you described to be Buck," She yelled out, turning back to talk to another dark brown, goofy looking Mammoth. 

"Sky!" Everyone yelled out, rushing over to see me. Ellie scooped me up in her trunk and nuzzled me into her cheek, while Sid ran over to hug me next.

"Hey guys!" I laughed, hugging Sid and then Manny. "How is everyone? What's happened since I've been away?"

"Well, we have a few new additions to the herd," Ellie grinned, motioning over to Diego and a whiteish-grey Saber. "That's Shira, Diego's mate. I reckon you two would get along swell."

"Hey, uh, Sky?" Shira grimaced as she noticed how she was acting, and walked over to me. "It's great to finally meet you, I've heard so many good things."

"Nice to meet you too! It's great Diego could find someone that isn't too tame for him! Right, Die?" I nudged Diego with my shoulder, and he laughed before rustling my forehead fur.

"It's good to see you too, Sky."

"And that over there," Ellie continues, pointing to the Mammoth that Peaches was with. "Is Julian, Peaches boyfriend."

"Oooh, baby Peaches has herself a boyfriend!" I exclaimed, running over to her and Julian.

"Um, who are you?" Peaches frowned.

"Oh, sorry love. I'm Sky, Bucks mate. I was your mothers midwife!" I smiled, crawling up her back to get a better look at Julian. 

"Ooh, nice gauge! Very punk," Julian smiled, doing a weird gesture with his trunk.

"Why thank you! But this ain't a gauge, its a scar from back even before I met the herd. Thank you for compliment though!" I smiled, jumping down into the middle of the group.

"So, Sky, is there any reason why you came up to visit us?"

"Well, uh....about that.....I'd like to talk to you privately about it, Ellie," I frowned, scratching the back of my neck. "Tonight though, I don't wanna be a downer for the time being! And uh, who's the old lady?" I asked, twisting around as I heard a jumble of weirdly phrased profanities that seemed to be coming from an old Sloth. 

"Oh, that's Sids grandma, we all call her Granny. She's as spiteful as she is old," Diego chuckled, wincing as the lady hit him with her stick.

"I'm not old, you overgrown chihuahua! I'm younger than your mama," She spat, waddling off towards one of the bars to demand for a drink. I laughed as Diego rubbed the spot that she hit him, and he shook his head. I jumped over to Ellie and climbed up her back, resting my head on her little tuft of hair. 

For the first time in a week, I was finally happy.

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