Chapter four

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"So, Sky, about Buck," Ellie started.

"No, Ellie, I don't like him." 

"Come on, I saw how ya looked at him," She teased, the boys being quiet and feeling incredibly awkward. 

"Ellie, even if I did like him, finding Sid is more important," I sighed. "We have other priorities."

"You do like him!"

"Fine! I do!" I submitted, flopping down on Diego in defeat. 

"Sky, if you two get married and live together does that mean Crash and I can spend more time with Buck?" Eddie exclaimed, jumping up to me.

"What? I'm not telling you that!"

I heard a scream from the distance and hid behind Diego's head, my eyes wide from terror.

"Sounds like a Jungle of Misery to me," Crash whimpered, walking alongside Ellie and clinging onto Eddie. Finally, they dropped the subject, I thought. 

I looked backwards with Ellie quickly to check if we were being watched and Ellie called out to Manny. 

"Hold on."

"What, what is it? Peaches?" He exclaimed, running over to Ellie.

"What? No! I just, I got a funny feeling."

"You're hungry! Low blood sugar," Manny quickly looked around for something Ellie could eat. "Oh, there's some fruit!" He quickly ran over to the plant and Diego went with him, along with me. 

"No, Manny!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said, leaning over to see the fruit better. "This isn't exactly your playground."

Manny snorted at my acquisition and continued to reach for the fruit. "Like I'm gonna be afraid of a pretty flower." He touched the fruit and vines whipped out and grabbed Manny and Diego by the ankles. 

"Bet ya didn't see that comin," Diego sighed, just before being lifted up by the vines. I went to let go of Diego but a vine cam out and grabbed me too.

"For the record, I blame you for this," I yelled, looking down at Manny. The plant engulfed us and we were sent into near pitch darkness. It was sticky and slimy inside of it, and extremely claustrophobic inside of it and I was pressed close up against Manny and Diego. I heard mumbling from outside before I recognized another voice. 

"Buck! Help!" I yelled, my head sticking up in between the petals so I could see him.

"I didn't know Sky was in there! Blimey!" He stopped stretching and ran over to save me before I was taken back inside the plant. 

"I feel tingly," Diego frowned, looking down.

"Don't say that when you're pressed up against us!" Manny yelled, squirming against the pressure the plant was putting on him. 

"Not that kind of tingly!"

"Wait, I feel it too," I muttered, moving my feet so they weren't in the rising liquid. Manny and Diego started panicking even more.

"Help! Someone help us!" Manny yelled.

In a few seconds Buck came down and got stuck in the little hole at the top, his face next to mind. "Sorry for dropping in unannounced, sweet 'eart" He smirked, running a claw along my chin. A swarm of butterflies filled my stomach and I blushed bright, sticking my tongue out at him. "Come, love, 'elp me with this," Buck grabbed my hand and pulled me down underneath the liquid. He cracked open a part of the bottom of the plant to see two vines, one red and one blue. I pointed towards the blue vine but he shook his head and cute the red one instead, causing a surge of bubbles that made the liquid rise faster. Buck was squished up against Manny and I was trapped under Diego, with my face still close to the blue vine. Buck's knife fell beside me and I quickly grabbed it, cutting the blue vine.

The plant started inflating and Buck quickly grabbed onto me, kissing my hand and taking his knife back. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist as we were launched into the air, and he grabbed a leaf that I grabbed onto with my other hand so we gently floated down after Manny and Diego had landed. 

"Pfft, tourists," He chuckled, walking over to the side. My knees seemed to buckle as he looked over at me at winked, a smile and a warm blush reaching my cheeks. 

"Barfed on by a plant, awesome," Crash and Eddie exclaimed, the liquid from inside the plant all over their faces.

"Thanks for saving us, Buck," I smiled, grabbing onto my tail shyly and fiddling with it. He looked over at me and grinned, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Anything for a beauty like you," 

"Buck," Ellie interrupted, "Will you help us find the floppy green thing?"

"That's not necessary!" Manny exclaimed, getting up and sending Diego sliding to the ground.

"Yes, it is," I exclaimed, my ears perking up at the thought of us spending more time with Buck.

"Alright, I'll 'elp ya! But I got rules. Rule number one, always listen to Buck! Rule number two, stay in the middle of the trail. Rule number three, all beautiful female weasels shall stay beside me," He smiled, looking towards me. I blushed harder and Ellie nudged me, smirking. 

"Rule number four, he who has gas travels at the back of the pack," Buck added, smiling cheekily. Eddie whined and walked to the back of the group, dragging his feet sadly.

"We should all have our heads examined," Manny muttered, still covered in the liquid from the plant. 

"That's rule number five! Now let's go find your friend," Buck smiled, grabbing my paw. I blushed but didn't pull away, my heart racing and butterflies flying madly in my stomach.

Out of all the animals on earth, I fell for a deranged weasel. An amazing, handsome, deranged weasel.

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