Chapter three

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The other weasel was holding me close underwater, and we were hiding from some dinosaurs under a lilly-pad. I struggled to hold my breath and went to breathe in just as they pulled me to the surface. 

"Who are you?" I coughed, rubbing my eyes so I could see the weasel better. They took their knife out of their mouth and smiled cheekily before they heard my question, their expression falling to one of disapointment.

"I'll answer that in a sec, who are you?" They asked, their expression turning back to cheek as they took my paw and kissed it. I blushed bright and pulled my paw back, holding it to my chest. 


"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sky," They smiled, walking to the shore to greet the others. I think they're a guy, I thought, following him. Crash and Eddie skipped out of the brush yelling about stuff but I couldn't hear, I was too infatuated with the weasel. For years I thought I was the only one left, but there's been another weasel down here for however long he's been down here. 

He threw his knife at the ground between Crash and Eddie, wringing himself out. I did the same and jumped over to Ellie, still staring at him. He slid over to the two and sniffed them, inspecting them and picking them up by their tails. 

"Can we keep him?" Eddie exclaimed, smiling as the weasel turned around to face Ellie, Manny and I. Manny shared a look with Ellie before the weasel jumped on Manny's face, causing Manny and him to yell. 

"Buck," He said, crawling up to inspect Manny's hair.


"The names Buck, short hair Buckminster," He exclaimed, sliding down to look at Manny's trunk. He looked into it and opened it wide. "Long for Buh," He added, going over to Diego. He slid his paw down his tooth and rubbed the tip of it with his finger. "A little dull, what are you doin here?" He asked, jumping onto Ellie's tusks to look at her. 

"Our friend was taken by a dinosaur," Ellie said, watching Buck as he backed away.

"For good reason, he stole her eggs," I added, climbing onto Ellie's tusks to dangle my legs.

"Well! He's dead. Welcome to my world, now uh, go home!" He picked up his knife from the ground and cleaned the tip of it. "Off you pop!" 

"Now excuse me, as much as he's an idiot we're not leaving Sid behind!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms stubbornly. 

"I admire your enthusiasm, darling, but a place like this is a little bit too dangerous for a beauty like you," He smiled, leaning against a tree. I blushed lightly but kept my back up, frowning at him. 

"You don't know what I can do, Buck," I smirked, jumping down off Ellie. 

"I found tracks," Diego called, catching our attention. I smirked at Buck and ran over to Diego. 

"Let's go," I called, hopping onto Diego's back. Buck fell down in front of Manny as he started to follow Ellie and raised an eyebrow. 

"If you go in there you'll fine you friend, in the afterlife," He growled, hanging from the vine like he was spiderman.

"How do you know I great wisely weasley one?" Crash asked, looking up at buck in admiration. Buck reached up and pulled on the vine, causing it to come down closer to the ground. He dropped down and ran his finger across the tracks, staring at the dust on his finger. He licked some of the dirt and swirled it around in his mouth before spitting it out.

"Mm, yeah, mm, Mummy dinosaur carrying carrying, uh, three babies and some floppy green thing," He said, looking up at us with a clueless look on his face. 

"Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing," Manny said. 

"You got all that from the tracks?" Diego asked.

"No, not really. I saw 'em come through 'ere earlier. She's headed for lava falls. That's where they care for the newborns," Buck said, pointing behind him with his thumb. "To get there, you have to go through the Jungle of Misery, across the Chasm of Death and through the Plates of Woe."

"Woah," Crash and Eddie said, awe across their faces.

"Okay, good luck with the slow descent into madness. We're gonna go now," Manny said, starting to walk onward. 

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Woah!" Buck exclaimed, waving his arms in protest as he walked up to Manny and Ellie. "What, Y-y-y-you think this is some sort of tropical getaway? You can't protect your mate, mate," Buck said, pointing at Manny. 

"Buck has a point, what are we gonna do if we come across some sort of blood thirsty monster?" I asked, getting off Diego to join Buck. He blushed slightly and nodded.

"What are you gonna do with those, those flimsy tusks? When you run into the beast?" He asked, looking off into the distance with a grim look on his face. "I call him, Rudy," He turned around with a dangerous look on his face this time. 

"Oh good, good. I thought it was gonna be something intimidating like Sheldon or Tim," Manny said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. 

"What Buck nicknames things has nothing to do with how you interpret certain names. Manny isn't exactly the most intimidating name either, you know?" I said, placing my paws on my hips. Buck placed an arm around my shoulders and smiled.

"Thanks for stickin up for me, love," He smirked, a weird look in his eye. A look I hadn't seen before. 

"No problem, Buckaroo," I gulped, moving away to get on Diego's back again. "But, I hate to say we've gotta get goin. Sorry, Buck," I smiled at him and waved shyly as we walked away, sending a blush to the weasels cheeks. He got a hold of himself and shook his head, pointing the way we were going.

"Abandon all hope, we who enters there!" He called, a worried look on his face as he saw my figure slowly moving away.

"Alright, we get it. Doom and despair, yada yada yada," 

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