Chapter one

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I floated along the top of the water as the sky stretched out in front of me, clouds dotting the blue sea like cotton balls. A content sigh escaped my lips and I closed my eyes, just to hear crashing and yelling. 

"It's happening!" 

Oh gods, not again. "Come on guys, this is the fourth time this week!" I yelled back, looking up at the frantic mammoth and the two excited possums. 

"But this time it's actually happening! Ellie's gonna have a baby!" Crash exclaimed, jumping up and down on Manny's tusk. 

"Yeah! We're gonna be Uncles!" Eddie added, high-fiving Crash. I sighed and slid across the top of the water before jumping up and wringing myself out. 

"Well, I guess it is time for my daily panic-stricken run," I yawned, cracking my joints before jumping up onto the top of Manny's head. He dipped the tortoise shell he was carrying into the water and started running back towards where Ellie presumably was. I leaned back and enjoyed the ride as he panicked, smiling as I did so. It was another false alarm, if it was real then he wouldn't be going. It would be Sid getting the water, because Manny's instincts would have kicked in.

Just before Manny went falling off a cliff to uncertain doom, I jumped off and held onto a branch before back-flipping onto the ground below. 

"Manny, it was just a kick," Ellie laughed, holding the side of her belly. I jumped over to her and leaned against her foot, looking up at Manny as he pulled the shell off of his head. 

"Right! Right, wow, you really gave Daddy a scare! Daddy got silly! Daddy fall down cliff and go boom, boom, boom, boom! Haha, silly Daddy!" Manny cooed, tickling the side of Ellie's stomach as he talked to the child inside of her.

"False alarm, guys. It was just a kick, like always," I yelled out, climbing up Ellie so I was sitting in the tuft of hair on her head. Everyone groaned in protest and walked away, yelling retorts at Manny as they did so.

"Manny, you have every right to be excited, but you're getting a little carried away there, mate," I said, looking over at him as he stared at the string of people walking away. 

"Yeah, Sky's right. You really need to take it down a notch," Ellie added, ruffling the top of my head with her trunk. 

"Okay, okay. You two are starting to sound like Diego," Manny rolled his eyes and smiled. I shook my head and giggled, sticking my tongue out at him. That is, until realization hit me.

"Wait a second, where is that ball of chaos anyways?" I jumped down of Ellie and ran away to find him, slipping through the snow like I was a snake. I ran until I came across a huge hole in the ground, skidding to a stop as the darkness stretched out in front of me. "Oh my gosh," I exclaimed in awe, staring down. This hole was gonna be the beginning to some sort of wild adventure, I know it. 

(Smol timeskip)

It was the next day, and I had heard news of Diego leaving and Sid having dinosaur babies that keep destroying things. 

"Sid! What the heck is going on?" I yelled, bounding into the playground that I had helped Manny with a few days prior. It was being completely obliterated by the kids of the community. 

"Sky! Help!" He yelled out, running over to me with an exhausted look on his face. 

"What did you do?"

"Nothing! These kids just destroyed it, not me!"

I sighed and walked in, paws on hips. "Kids! If you don't get outta here by the time I count to ten, your pelts will be on my wall," I growled, a fierce look on my face and my fangs popping out from under my lip. A terrified look spread across the face of every kid in the playground, apart from the dinosaurs, and they all rushed out in a panic. 

"Sid, Manny and I worked on this for days and you and your, your, 'kids' destroyed it!" I growled, my claws popping out from my fur as my fingers tensed. 

"Sky, I'm sorry! My kids and I didn't mean it!" 

"Oh, you're gonna be sorry," I growled, walking up to him, he fell on the ground and I jumped onto his chest and looked him straight in the eye. 

"No looking for a mate for 3 months!" I roared, spit flying into his face. Just as I said that, Manny and Ellie came into the playground and one of Sid's 'kids' ran away and destroyed the ice-mobile I made. 

"I told you to take them back and you kept them! Now look what they've done!"

"Okay, granted, we do have some discipline issues."

"Eating kids is not a discipline issue!" I yelled, jumping on Manny's back and crossing my arms.

"But he spit him out" Sid exclaimed, motioning towards his Jurassic child. 

"Well that's just super, let's give him a gold star! Kid of the week!" I exclaimed again, the dinosaur dancing happily at my sarcastic words. 

"They don't belong here, Sid. Whatever they are, wherever you found them, take them back," Manny growled, his eyes closing into a slit as he glared at Sid.

The ground started to shake before Sid could retort causing the few remaining parents waiting to yell at Sid go into a panic. I passed out.

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