Chapter twenty one

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My eyes fluttered a bit as the morning rays hit my eyelids, and I moved my paw to shield them as I moved my face towards Bucks. His breath smelled like day old sushi and bugs, his typical morning breath. His eye twitched open and I caught myself staring, he wasn't wearing his eyepatch and I realised this was the first time I'd seen his scar. It was knarly, his eye was completely gone, yet some of the eyelid still remained, mangled and scarred. Buck raised an eyebrow at me, before realising my shocked expression and he became frantic.
"Crap! Um, I'm so sorry love, it must've fallen off last night-"

"Buck, it's ok!" I exclaimed, grabbing his paws and holding them still. "It's ok, it doesn't change anything? It's just you," I smiled, and he sighed softly.

"It's just, I never wanted you to see it, at least not like this. It's disgusting."

"Love, you are many things. Loud, eccentric, crazy. But you are not disgusting."

He softly smiled and pulled me into a hug, nuzzling into me. "Thank you so much, Sky. You don't know how much it means to me."

"Scared of what other people think? I think I might have an inkling of how it feels," I teased, poking him on the nose. It twitched a bit and I smiled up at him.

It was like a dream, the morning sun shone down on us and turned us golden, completely in our element, completely ourselves. It was like the world was made for us, that we were the main characters in a fairy-tale written by the best poet known to creature-kind. But, all fairy-tale moments must come to an end, and nature was calling, so we crawled out of the hammock. Buck headed for the bathroom, while I walked into the kitchen and started fixing something for breakfast. 

I started my morning by scouting out the area around our new house. It was rather well blended in, which comes in handy when you're a mammal in a world like this, however I craved a plot of land to work on, a little garden that I could take refuge in when I needed to clear my head. I worked my way around the back of the tree and pushed past the oversized leaves, to find a small area that wasn't overgrown, a nice sunny spot that plants could thrive in. I smiled to myself before running back inside, to Buck sitting on the couch carving away at a piece of bone. 

"Hey Buck?"

"Yes love?"

"I found a really nice spot not too far away, and I was planning on starting a little garden. Do you know where I put those seed reserves from last year? And I need something to shovel with."

Buck stopped for a second, and then jumped off the couch and scurried off into the other room, returning with a pouch and a shovel made out of a thick piece of wood and a big piece of bone chiselled down into a shovel shape. 
"I've been waiting for you to take up gardening again, you used to have a massive plot of land before....the accident, I tried to save as many seeds as I could, but I don't have much of a green thumb."

The smile on my face said more than a thousand words, I ran towards him and scooped him up in a hug, kissing his cheeks and all over his face. "Thank you so much, Buck. How is it that you get more and more amazing the longer we're together?"

"I could ask you the same question," Buck smiled, nuzzling my nose with his. "Now, go on! Go get your paws dirty, get some mud under those claws!"

I kissed his cheek before running back out of the door, seed pouch and shovel in paw. I returned to the sunny area, and immediately got to ploughing the earth, pulling out weeds and unwanted plants, turning up the soil and bringing barrels of water from the house to dampen the soil. I scraped away at the top layers of soil to reveal a beautiful, nutrient rich soil underneath, perfect to grow a variety of plants from fruit bushes, fruit trees, vegetables, anything I wanted I could grow here in the beautiful, lush climate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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