Chapter six

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"Don't panic!" Buck called, straining to try and pull the vine. "Just some, ah, technical difficulties!" He added, motioning that he needed my help. I ran over and started pulling, my help hardly making a dint in the amount of force we needed. 

"Keep holding it in, boys!" I yelled, placing a hand on Buck's shoulder to calm him down. Something inside me found him familiar, like I'd known him before I lost my memory. That was entirely possible, but it was a slim chance. Incredibly slim. 

A few seconds went by and I heard a heap of laughing, making my brows furrow. "Do you hear that?"

"Oh god, they breathed it in," Buck went into a small state of panic and started pulling harder, making me panic as well. Buck jumped up and went closer to them, standing up on the vines. 

"Stop laughing, all of you!" 

"Stop laughing, all of you!" Manny laughed, their manic and high voices sending shrill shivers down my spine. "What's rule number one?" Manny added, sending the others into yet another laughing fit. 

"They're just laughing, what's so bad about that?" Ellie asked, walking closer to Buck. 

"They died laughing!" He exclaimed, pointing down to deeper in the chasm. I looked down and saw a bunch of skeletons of other dinosaurs, ones that presumably died laughing. My eyes widened in fear and I looked up again, straining on the rope. 

"Stop laughing!" I yelled, tears welling at the edge of my eyes. My grip weakened on the vine and I fell to the ground, passing out. 

(Time Skip)

"Sky, love, are you okay?" My eyes slowly opened and the world around me became less blurry as I saw Buck standing over me with a worried look on his face. 

"Wha-What happened?" I groaned, sitting up. 

"You fainted, Buck was so worried that he almost died trying to save the others because I yelled out that you passed out," Ellie said, propping me up with her trunk. I looked back at Buck who grabbed my paw and held it to his heart, tears welling at the edge of his eyes.

"I can't lose you again, love," He muttered, looking into my eyes. 

"What do you mean, again?" 

"Uh, slip of the tongue, love," He stammered, standing up from his crouched position to continue guiding everyone. I got up from the ground and followed behind him, holding my head. 

"Sky, do you want me to carry you?" Diego asked, walking up to me quickly. 

"Yes, please."

We continued until we found a cave, where Buck stopped to do a puppet show with a couple of skulls. It was weirdly entertaining, even though he was talking to his own limbs.

"They'll never survive, it's dangerous by day," His first skull exclaimed.

"But it's even worse at night!" The second one said

"Plus, their guide is a lunatic!" The first one added.


"What? You mean Buck? He's a wacko!" The second one exclaimed.

"I am not!" 

I giggled at that comment, picking up a skull of my own. "Totally bonkers, I'd say," My skull exclaimed, making a smile turn up on Buck's face. 

"And his feet smell!" Another skull exclaimed, one on his foot. 

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"  

"Oh you little," Buck started strangling the foot, rolling around on the ground in a fight with his own appendage. I laughed loudly and leaned back on Diego, holding my stomach. 

"He's strangling his own foot, shouldn't we get moving?" Manny asked, raising his voice slightly to get Buck's attention. Buck's foot skull looked towards Manny in surprise. 

"What? And give Rudy and midnight snack? Not likely!"

"The skulls right, take a load off, Mammals!" He exclaimed, laying back on the ground. "We'll camp 'ere. Now, who's hungry?"

"I am!" The skull exclaimed.

"You don't need the calories!"

I giggled and jumped off Diego, wandering off to find firewood for that night. As I walked through the forest I wracked my brain for any memory of Buck from before I lost my memory, anything at all. Nothing came back to me whatsoever, apart from a voice whispering, "I love you, and I promise I will find you again." 

That sentence resonated within me and I eventually found myself back at the campsite with an arm full of wood and leaves. That voice, it was familiar. But I couldn't link it to anyone in particular. It easily could have been Buck, so that night I decided to do a little experiment. 

I put the wood down in a pile near a wall that we were camping near, grabbing a couple of rocks to spark it. The whole time Buck was staring at me while he was preparing some food for that night, and I blushed and pretended not to notice. Eventually, a spark caught one of the dry leaves and set the whole pile on fire, warming my cheeks. 

"Nice going, sweet'eart," Buck smiled, placing a hand on my leg. I blushed and smiled at him, our faces illuminated in the warm light of the fire

Night steadily approached and Buck got up in front of us all to tell a story. 

"There I was, my back against the wall, no way out. Perched on the razors edge of oblivion. Staring into the eye of the Great White Beast."

It seemed as if we could see everything that happened as if it were playing in front of us. Buck as a younger weasel running from Rudy and having his eye gouged out by a claw. Something about Buck during that seemed eerily familiar, and warming. When the story was over I clutched onto my piranha tooth with my eyes wide, another memory coming back to me. Something like that had happened to me. I had been down here before, I had my own tooth knife somewhere in this wilderness. Someone had been with me that day, but I couldn't remember. I had a feeling about who it was though, and he was standing in front of me with a wild smile on his face.

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