Basic backstory and Character Profile

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A thud, a scream and a sharp pain to the back of my head. That's all I can remember. It was years back, when I still had someone. Or some people. I can't remember anything from back then. I'm alone in a frozen wasteland that is called the 'ice age.' 

I met a mammoth and a sloth while I was bartering with some dodo's for a slice of watermelon, offering some seeds and a couple of animal tooth knives for self protection and food. They were trying to find a pack of Neanderthals to return a baby, and it had just so happened that I knew exactly where they were going and how long it would take. But, of course, they trusted the saber more than me.

After about a year of being a pack, we met a female mammoth named Ellie and two possums named Crash and Eddie. I knew them already so I got along just fine with them, as I had stayed with their pack over the winter a year after I lost my memory. 

And then there's now, the present I mean. Ellie and Manny are expecting but the rest of the pack and I are still single. Alone, without another of our kind. At least, I know I don't have another of my kind. It's fine for the others, they have other things to worry about. But I hadn't seen another of my kind for what was seemingly my whole life! It was desperately lonely. But that was about to change.

Character profile:

Name: Sky

Age: Slightly younger than Buck

Fur colour: Back light brown with white spots along her back, with a white tipped tail and brown tipped feet. 

Fur type: Same as Bucks but a little longer and fluffier (no distinguishing female features apart from broader chest shape ((not too sexual)) Her tail is a little longer than Bucks.

Eye colour: Bright green

Accent: British/Australian (mixed)

Added: Vine necklace with a Piranha Tooth pendant, Small hole through the top of her right ear

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