Chapter ten

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(I drew the picture above, it's one of my first digital drawings so :D)

I sat down in the den that I hadn't been in for years, my eyes welling up as I saw the familiar sight that I'd had to leave behind back then. It was exactly the same as how I remembered, The den itself being one big room with a small room off to the side for sleeping. It had little pieces of memorabilia strewn around but it didn't have much in it. 

"Oh my gosh, Buck, did you make that?" I exclaimed, picking up a little bone figure of me from an indent in the wall. It was the spitting image of me, even down to the fur details.

"Yeah, I made it during the first months of you being gone. I have a couple more in the bedroom," He blushed, taking my hand to lead me to the bedroom. Across the wall were hundreds of little sculptures of me, some of me and Buck and some of dinosaurs. I stared at them all and smiled, small tears coming to my eyes yet again.

"You never forgot about me!" I exclaimed, turning around and jumping into Buck's arms.

"Of course, I didn't, love! You're my mate! I love you!" He exclaimed, squeezing me tight. "This is all I could do when dealing with my grief."

"I wish that I never lost my memory, I wouldn't have put you through all of that loss!" I exclaimed, tears pouring out of my eyes. He slowly stroked my back and hushed me, smiling softly.

"But you remembered me in the end, deep down inside yourself you remembered me. The idea that you could still be alive kept me going, hon," He whispered, pulling away to look me in the eyes. "And having you back is the best thing I could have ever asked for," He wiped away my tears and kissed me slowly, making butterflies rise in my stomach. After he pulled away, I giggled softly, resting my head on his chest.

"Even after being with you for so long, you still manage to make me blush," I smiled, nuzzling into the fur on his chest. Buck picked me up and walked me into the other room, laying me down on the soft straw that lined the dirt floor.

"Of course, I can, I'm your mate," He smiled, laying down next to me. We snuggled up next to each other like the world was ending, basking in the warmth of each other's bodies.

(Time Skip)

Night slowly turned to day as the usual rustle of herbivores started grazing, and Buck and I slowly came out of our lazy slumber. I nudged his muzzle gently, to wake him and he yawned lazily, nuzzling to me. 

"Not yet love, just a few more minutes," He mumbled, wrapping himself tighter around me. He giggled softly and nudged him again, touching his paw with my wet nose. He squirmed and yawned again, kissing my forehead before unwinding himself from me. 

"Fine, fine, you win," He groaned, standing up to stretch his joints. I giggled and copied him, breathing in the smell of the home I'd missed so much of. Shaking my head free of sleep, I smiled and started running full speed out of the den, bounding through the grass surrounding our den. The triceratops's stared at me as I leaped around, my smile reaching both of my ears. 

"Love! Careful!" Buck yelled, bounding after me. I laughed loudly and ran towards the lake, diving in. The water was cold and refreshing on my fur, the water almost completely clear. I smiled and floated across the surface, the sun gleaming on my belly fur. 

Buck bounded over and stared at me, his eyes crazy from the adrenaline running his veins. He jumped into the water beside me and sent water droplets flying over me. I laughed softly as he checked me for any cuts or bruises. 

"Why did you run? What was the point of that?" 

"Well, I'm crazy! Didn't ya know that?" I giggled, splashing him before swimming away, my body zipping through the water like I was a fish. I heard him laugh and he started swimming after me, swimming up underneath me before picking me up bridal style. I giggled and nuzzled his nose, and he brought me over to the edge of the lake and laid me down in the grass. Shaking the water off of my fur, my fur puffing up as I did so, I laid down in the sun and smiled. 

"You're insane," Buck smiled, straining himself out. 

"So are you, Buckminster."

Buck stuck his tongue out a me and laid down on the grass beside me, on his back instead of his front. "I know I asked you yesterday, but when do you want kids?" He muttered, looking over at me. 

"Well, I don't know. I'm not ready for them just yet. I honestly have no idea when I'll actually be ready, love," I sighed, fiddling with the grass. "I guess I'll just tell you when I am."

"I'm not trying to put any pressure on you, sweet'eart," Buck assured, turning his head to face me properly. 

"You're not, you're just excited to have a child."

"I think it's just because I missed you so much, love. I thought you were gone, and I can't lose you again," He sighed, muttering the last part. I sighed and placed my paw on his, looking him in the eyes. 

"You're not going to lose me again, Buck. I promise you that."

He leaned over and pushed his forehead onto mine, placing a paw on my cheek. "I love you, Sky," He smiled, his eyes closed and his body relaxed.

"I love you too, Buck." 

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