Chapter 2: This can't be happening..

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{As we packed up and are now futuristic Aircraft unit, Called the US ARGO, we're now heading to the monarch outpost in Antarctica}

*I sighed leaning back in a seat, as everyone gathered around the table*

Vivienne: This Specimen, at this site has been kept, entirely off-book..*Tells My Dad* and since it's a more recent discovery, our data is limited, but its seems to be another apex predator.

Sherizawa: Emma called it, Monster Zero..*Ishriō said*

*My ears were able to pick up the conversation, as I was again taken to a vision, of a creature I have not seem before, but it most certainly scared me at it's sized and looks, enough for me to snap out of the vision, breathing shaking my head*

Vivienne: It may have, been a rival alpha to Godzilla, battling dominance over the other Titan's..*She said*

Sherizawa: Doctor Chen?..*Gestured for her*

Chen: *Taps the table bringing up pictures* I've been scouring through thousands of year's, worth of Myths and legends, but it's almost as if, people were scared, to even write about it. *She said, looking at everyone*

Sherizawa: As if it was meant to be forgotten..*He mutters*

Stanton: Sorry, I have to crash a party, but I got bad news, We lost Godzilla, he dropped off the scan near Venezuela, I'm telling you Doctor Brooks was right, It's a hollow Earth, that's how he's moves around, so fast, using these underwater tunnels like wormholes, just zippin' around. *He said doing weird gestures*

Foster: *Her voice cuts in* Everyone look sharp, we're approaching the base..*She alerts people*


*Were now in, Raptor copters and is heading to Outpost 32*

Vivienne: If Johan is really after, for extracting samples, they'll be here in the bio laps..*Pointing at the Map on screen*

Barnes: All right, Two minutes, check your equipment, and stand by the door..*He tells everyone*

Elena: *I shakes a little, even tho my outfit is keeping me warm*

Elena: *I can't help the feeling I am experience, I felt the gently touch on my shoulder, I looked at My dad*

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Elena: *I can't help the feeling I am experience, I felt the gently touch on my shoulder, I looked at My dad*

Mark: Hey, I know your scared but once we get your Mother and Sister back were out of there okay?..*I nodded with a smile* There's my girl, now remember deep breaths and stay with Me, got it?

Elena: *Nods with a chuckle* I'm grown Woman dad, not your little girl anymore, but yes I understand..

Mark: Hey, You and Madison will always be my little girls no matter what age you are..*chuckles*

*We then touched down on the ground, as the doors open up, and soldiers began to make their way into the base, as we watch on the monitor, as they made it in, my lungs felt weird I realized I been holding my breath, I them took deep calm breaths to get my bearings, The soldiers were ambushed by Jonah men, and during the fight we eyes widen Mom and Maddie!??*

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