Chapter Prologue: 2014 Attack beginning and After..

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{It was the year 2014, during the first siting of Godzilla and Muto's monster's, the Russell Family was in the thick of it.}

*Screams, explosions and panic was all over, smoke and debris of broken building scattered around everywhere, Elena the 16 year old girl of story holding her Youngest Sister Madison in attempted to calm Her sister, as Her father Mark Russel attempts to find Andrew Russell*

Elena: Shh, it's gonna be okay, big sis is hear...*Comforts and distracts Maddy, as Her Mother, Emma comes and comforts Her two daughters, as Marks voice is heard*

Mark: Andrew!!!..*Mark calls out for the Family, Son/Brother* Andrew!!!!!...

Emma: I-Its gonna be okay girls, we're gonna be okay..*Emma said, barely or rarely blinking as we heard a being crashing stomp*

*People stop and turn at the horrifying sight, of Godzilla coming into view, breaking down a stomp in his wake, as Elena mark glowed but she didn't focus on the burn it was emitting, as She stared wide eyes at the Titan*

~Five Year's after the Attack~

*We know can see, a beautiful, beautiful view of a calm orange color of a mountain forest with birds chirping and smooth slow wind breezing through, we then now see and hear a pack of wolves feasting on a dead deer carcass, communicating and eating in their own way, We then see a Young Woman of age of 21 with a camera taking pictures of the wolves, as a older Man, with a headset on and listening in on a long range radio mic device, listening to the wolves communicating, these two were Elena and Mark Russell, a Father and a Daughter enjoying the view and sounds of the wildlife*

Elena: This is so good, the one with the darker older colors seems to be the alpha of the pack..*I whispered quietly to my best attempt to my dad who nods and waves over with a smile, I leaned in and took the extra headset and putted it on, and smiled brightly at the sounds of the wolves*

Mark: See, told you so..*He smiled as the sounds of the wolf's was interrupted by a sound of loud rotor blade engines in the sky that scared off the wolves, as a monarch V-22 osprey aircraft lands in the open field, Me and Dad stand up, He was frowning*

Elena: Kinda be nice for them to just call or email us...*mumbles*

*As Dr. Ishirō Sherizawa and Vivienne Graham, followed by some other Young Man, walked down and out the Aircraft and looked at Us, when they saw us, My Dad brows furrowed and I was a little confused why their here*

~Timeskip to a log cabin we live in~

*We were showed a sad feed of a weird group of Men, taking Mom and Madison, I was shaking a tiny bit with worry for them*

Vivienne: The feed cuts out there, the survivors haven't been able to give us, much more than what the footage allows, Only that Emma and Madison were the only ones taken. *She tells us and I let out a shaky sigh, has Dad had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, comforting*

Dr. Sherizawa: We're sorry Mark...*Sherizawa apologies*

Mark: I should've been there for her..*My Dad blamed himself*

Elena: Dad, don't blame yourself, there was no way of telling of what could've happened..*I tried to comfort him, and reassuring it wasn't his fault*

Mark:..*Nods appreciative though I didn't believe that nod then, He then looks at the Men in the footage* Who are they?.

Vivienne:..*She speaks up* We don't know yet..*Walks over and leans to the computer* We believe they were after this..*Switches to a different feed showing Mom and my eyes widen, the Orca*

Mark: *Goes wide eyes as well, and seems upset at seeing the device* You didn't?

Young Male:*The Young Male speaks up* It's the ORCA, uh, that's why we think they need, Emma, She believed that if we could show how replicate, the biosonar the Titans use to.. communicate- *I cut him off*

Elena: Sorry to interrupt you Sir, but Me and my Dad know fully well what the Orca is...*I politely said to*

Mark: Yeah, we know what the hell it is I helped build the prototype..*My Dad slightly snapped at the Man, I rubbed his arm comforting to calm him down* Who is He?..*Points at the Young Man*

*The Man, known as Sam Coleman, steps up*

Sam: Uh, Sam Coleman, I'm the head of technology, I joined Monarch, Uh, shortly after you left..*I did the courtesy and gave Him a hand shake*

Elena: Pleasure to meet you, Mr Coleman, I assume your a fan of my Mother and Father work? *I asked with raised brow*

Sam: Yes!, absolutely it lead to new possible leads to communicate with the Titans. *He beamed*

Mark: *Shakes his head, then looked between Sherizawa and Vivienne* Emma and I destroyed the prototype..*Dad said*

Vivienne: *Nodded to Him* And then Emma, decided to rebuild it, after San Francisco, she went to Boston, spent years developing it, she thought it could help-..*She attempts to go on*

Mark: Help what?, play god?!..*Huffs*

Vivienne: No, help prevent another attack..*She said*

Mark: The, Orca was a grad school science project, it was meant to keep whales away from the shoreline, not so you could talk to your little creatures out there!..*I put my hand on his shoulders he looks at me and sighs taking a few calm breaths* Listen tonnes they'll think it's one of them, you use the wrong frequency, on one of 'em and you're gonna be responsible, for 1,000 San Francisco's.  *Father tells them*

Dr. Sherizawa: Which is why we need to get it back, Emma always said no one knew, the Orca better than you..*He leans towards us a bit*

Mark: *Dad leans slightly* It shouldn't even exist..

Elena: Dad...*He looks at Me* Please just hear them out, the Orca is the only thing keeping Mom and Madison alive, and with it in the wrong hands we could have the same attacks happen like in 2014, but on a much bigger scale..please just hear them out...*He thinks, debating then sighs and turns to them* Your lucky, Elena is here unless I would've be saying No, fine we'll come..

Dr. Sherizawa: Thank you, Mark, we'll do all in our power, to rescue your family..*We nodded*

~Timeskip New Chapter~

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