Chapter 15: To Hollowed Earth/Big Fight/Near Death/Stopping an Fight

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{It was an painful headache I was awoken by, using all My strength to knockout Godzilla was painful, I was aware however of what's been happening..}
[Elena Pov]

*I woken up after the encounter with Godzilla, ain't calling Him Goji right now, He hurt Me badly, Konk was also pretty battered up, We both woke up at the same time, as Ilene and Nathan, had an Idea of bringing Us to the Arctic opening of the Hollowed, Kong wanted to make the climb by Himself now..*

Elena: *I crossed My arms, grinning as I raised an brow* You sureeeee, You wanna do this by Yourself?..*He huffs with an chuckle, as We were in the cold*

Kong: *Looks at the entrance* Yes, can't always depend on You flyers...*I giggled as I boop His nose, He smiles* Don't lag behind Yeah?..*I smirked as I took a look at Nathan and Ilene, We nodded to Them, They nod to Us*

*I took an running start as I shifted into My Titan form, I charged in as I flew gracefully, I turn seeing Kong following along in His form, with the Humans following along in in H.E.A.V.S, I roared softly as I felt the pull, I let Myself be pulled in as I dived down*

[Ilene Pov]

*We see Kong and Elena get close, She lets out an roar if warning, Nathan nods*

Nathan: Here We go!!!!!...*As Elena was pulled in gracefully, Kong on the other, did not have same experience* Big Guy was not prepared...*We felt an pull as I held Jia hand as We grunted* entering the thresh hold!!!...*We closed Our eyes*

[Nathan Pov]

*I yelled out, as the flashes happen, It was intense as Hell, soon We made it out but it screwed up the Heavs bad, as We fell, soon We all feel, I turned seeing Elena, She grabs Us as We fell, She sparks up as She sent out an jumpstar pulse, the H.E.A.V's immediately came on as She let go and dived down*

Nathan: *We pulled up as We steady for the gravity here*  Wow!, alright Delta how are We doing!..*As Kong fall, He isn't having an graceful landing*

[Elena Pov]

*I landed down as I watched Kong not doing so good, I held an smirk as He managed to stop His momentum fall, He lands, panting with an groan*

Kong: *He looks at Me, He growls playfully* 'Stop it Elena!, I have You know, I landed well'...*I seemingly laughed as I walked about*

Elena: *I felt the energy, I turned to Him* 'Lead the way My King~'...*He blushes under His hide, He roars an chuckle as He went onwards I followed*

*We moved effectively around, and headed towards where We felt the energy pull, I knew the Humans were right behind Us, I sensed two big creatures, I growled in warning as I see two warbats, I called, I pounced onto one, My size much large, I see Kong grab the other one, I charged up My breath attack, and fired at it's head, it screeches as It died under Me, I huffed, My stomach growled, I took an breath and ate its flesh, Kong did the same*

°Few Minutes Later°

*We followed the energy after, the meal, I felt full*

Kong: *Chuckles an rumble with His chest* 'See?, good right?..' *I rolled My eyes as We near an large large door*

Elena: *We looked up* 'This is where Your ancestors were, all on You, My King..' *I said, He nodded as He grabs the door with an large hand print on it*

*He used His strength to open it up, as I followed Him in, woww, oh My gosh, it's an large throne room, I can see Statues and pillars, as We stomped in together*

Kong: *He feels home* 'This is My Home...' *He said, I purred gently as I nuzzled His head, He softly rumbles as We came down the steps, We meet an skeleton, with an axe?* 'Wow, They made weapons out of Godzillas kind..' *He grabs it, pulling it out of the skull*

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