Chapter 9: Evolution at its finest

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{The Mist, The Darkness, The Silver Moon, The Moon Bringer, legends have told have a Titan who none can challenge, only those who are brave who are determined, motivated to challenge, Titanus Lunaira, tells told with the bonding D.N.A, of the two titan king's, Lunaira is a hard challenge, let's see is Elena soulmates, and her family will bring her back before the true beast takes over..}

{3rd Pov}

*Growls softly as she swims through the waters, as she nears the bay of Bengal, she emerges from the waters, and onto the land of Indian as she sees people on it's beaches flea, she growls and began to make her journey to Mount Everest, the Mountain height and tall structure allows, a more flexible and audible alpha roar across the world*

•Castle Bravo•

Rick: Jesus she's fast, seems like she has no attention of killing or destroying so, what ever Johan commanded her to do, she's doing just that, her radiation is completely wacko..*Rick said*

Barnes: Why Mount Everest, why not any of the other mountains...*Barnes asked*

Godzilla: It the point of the world, with an Alpha call, it could send the roar to an audio level to where you can hear it from the otherwise of the world..*Godzilla said*

Itchi: With our D.N.A combined she could very much have a louder roar that can possibly rival or dominate ours..if that happens every Titan except for us Apex Predators you call it, would be under her full control, but that Human Johan, told her specifically to set order and balance to the world..

Emma: *Thinks and her eyes widen* Johan made a mistake to that command, she won't cause an extinction, she's gonna cause in terms population control, she's gonna wipe out half of the Human and Titan  population to balance the world..

Kevin: If I may add, during the fight against Her, I was able to notice a strange device, around that Human bastard head, I believe it may be a long shot, but I think its simple mind control..*Kevin said*

Mark: That would mean, she would have a device attached in her head, that makes Her follow his orders, like how the ORCA work except its more direct..*Mark said*

Emma: Yes, and if that's possible, when be makes an order its like a single pulse, and that can be tracked to where ever he relocated at..*Emma added*

Rick: Think you, guys are about to get your wish, she's receiving a weird single, and its located..*Types in the computer* I umm, its in Monster Island...*He said*

Godzilla: What...*He beared his teeth* So he dares, to kidnap and forcefully and change, then he dares to move onto our home....*He tried to control his anger*

Itchi: Gojira I have a plan, you with your pick of Titans go back to our island and find this Man, we will hold back, our Mate until your able to free her, as for you other Humans if you can try to find out where that device is located in her body, So we may destroy it..*They nodded, as they all walked out and to the top platform*

Scylla: What's the plan, Our Kings?..*She asked*

Godzilla: The Human responsible dares move to our Island, Muto and Behemoth will follow me, the rest of you will follow Ghidorah..*Godzilla said*

Itchi: We are gonna hold our mate back, ams try to get to her, if fail...*He looks down with a stiff* We all might have to put her down..*They widen at that*

Mothra: Then lets not fail, good luck Gojira, punish the man responsible..*He nods and jumps off the edge of the platform into the waters, Followed by Muto and Behemoth*

{The Human They fell for} Monster-verse Titans x Female OcWhere stories live. Discover now