Chapter 13: Chill&Relax/Trip to the hollow

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{Last night, was the most incredible, experience I have ever felt, but jeez did Goji went ham..}

{Elena Pov}

*I snuggled into Goji warm comfy chest, sleeping happily, his arms wrapped around me protectively, I had a smile on my face, as I slept, I felt him stir and I whined at the movement*

Godzilla: *Chuckles kisses the top of my head* Sorry baby, didn't mean to wake you..*I giggled and looked at him, with half-asleep eyes*

Elena: No, I was bound to wake up eventually, so don't be..*I smiled and peaked his lips* though..*Groans laying back down* You went a little rough, I can't feel my legs at the moment...*I mumbled*

Godzilla: *Chuckles nuzzling my neck, with light kisses* I'm sorry, I tried my best, to hold the urges but my Titan side kicked in and won..*holds me close*

Elena: *I laughed* Nah its fine, I asked for it anyway...*I kissed his chest and sat up, I chuckled at his pout trying to grabby hands*

Godzilla: Noooo..come rest..*I shaked my head, he pouted more*

Elena: If, you take me to the shower, and help me get cleaned, Then we can snuggle and relax all day how about that?..*He sighed with a smile, and got up and scoops me in his arms*

Godzilla: Your lucky, your loveable..*nuzzles my neck, as he took me to the Bathroom, once we got in he started the shower, We hop in after the hot water, warmed up, and we both sighed in relief, He sat me down, and I can stand its bearable* I can't wait..*Smiled as we cleaned up, he wraps, his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my belly* You can't believe, how shocked I was when, the four other kings, said I can help your heat..*He chuckles* I nearly thought I was dreaming..

Elena:  *I smiled nodding, little shocked myself, but the Ghidorah Bro's, I can understand cause of our little mishap in the past, Kong probably wanted us to get to know each other, before he even thinks about going that way*..So, what do the kings have on their Schedule for this year?..*I asked him*

Godzilla: *He shrugged washing my back* Probably just the usual making sure the other Titan's stay in their place, keep the balance from breaking...*He gasps* I totally forgot, you haven't seen the hollowed Earth yet, haven't ya?..*He asked I raised a brow*

Elena: Hollowed Earth?..*I asked confused, he smiles brightly*

Godzilla: *Washing my lower legs, I let out soft sounds, as he messaged certain spots* Yeah!, its a beautiful place, it's basically us Titan's birth place!!, you'll like it!!, maybe tomorrow or Tuesday we'll, all have a visit together, show you the place!..*He said excitedly, as we finished helping washing each other, and once we got dried and dressed we sat back down on the bed which we replaced with clean sheets, turn on the TV*

Elena: Your birth place?, wait I thought Human's we're the soul responsibility for your guys birth?..*He chuckles shaking his head*

Godzilla: For some Titan's yes, but for some of us, who lived longer then most, it's not the case..*I nodded, as He let me, pick my favorite Netflix show*...So, if and when our child is born?, what Gender your thinking of them being?..*He asked*

Elena: *I thought a bit* I don't know, maybe a Boy, be cool to gave a Son, who can be big brother to his future siblings..*I said, he nodded*

Godzilla: *Chuckles* That be cool, sides I need some child, taking the roll of King someday, this lizard needs to think about retiring...*He smiles, I giggled*

*There was a knock, and came in Mothra*

Mothra: Hey you two, had a good time?..*She asked, and sat down, I decided to snuggle up to her*

{The Human They fell for} Monster-verse Titans x Female OcWhere stories live. Discover now