Chapter 1

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I woke up in a cold sweat

My heart was racing

'Why did I have to crash..'

I noticed that it felt like I was sobbing

I felt my face, and sure enough, I felt some tears

'And this is why I don't sleep. I always have these stupid nightmares about my parents'

'Not even surprised that I was diagnosed with Pistanthrophobia'

I sighed and adjusted my glasses

Then I heard knocks on my door

I wiped my tears and hesitantly went to the door

I opened it and saw Madeleine

I sighed

"Are you alright? I was walking by your house, and I heard you sobbing loudly" He said in a worried tone

'Great. Not only did I crash and get a nightmare, I was sobbing loudly. What else can go wrong?'

"I'm fine." I said

"Are you sure?" Madeleine asked

"Yes, Madeleine. Now stop bugging me. I'm busy"

Then I closed the door and locked it

'Fuck having an emo backstory. This sucks ass'

'At least Pitaya Dragon, Cream Unicorn, and Mala Sauce were the only cookies who were nice to me back then' (i'll explain this later)

•·.·Madeleine's POV·.·•

'They do not seem ok'

I sighed and walked away

'I need to figure out a way to help them. They seem so sad..'

I continued to do my patrols while occasionally thinking of Espresso


229 Words

a/n sorry about the short chapter. i'll make a longer one after i do an explanation chapter

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